Take the path to the right

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

You take a gamble and head to the right. Who knows how far you will have to go before you find the "Great Leaders" or whoever you are looking for. You walk at a steady pace, and before long you hear a clip-clop coming up the path behind you. You turn around and see a horse drawn cart walking up behind you. A small man is laying on top of his haul. His large straw hat laying over his face blocks the sun from his eyes, and he snores loudly. The horse arches you, and slows to match your pace staying slightly behind you. The man wakes up. "MRUUMPHHH!" he manages with a start. "Whats with all this LAG!" The man stands up on his load of numbers, tips his hat up, and looks right into your eyes. "Why are you clogging the path?" He looks at you expectantly. "Well I was just on my way north. I'm looking for the great leaders of the north." You manage to say, taken aback by the mans furry face. "Well why didn't you say so! I was just on my way there! Why don't you hop on this data cart, and my trusty steed will take us there!"

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