Sit tight

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

You sit tight and stare at the crowd, watching them marvel over you. The girl next to you giggles slightly, and you glance over to see what she is finding amusing. You are surprised that while she has the same eyes, skin, and antennae as you, she wears it splendidly. You recognise her and utter the word "sister" to her, in English, and she directs her gaze at you. She let's out a small gasp, but then starts laughing horribly loud. The crowd turns to her as her bindings seem to slip off of her. She snarls "You were supposed to be dead!", let's out an evil cackle and you watch, still trapped in your bindings as she races towards you and grabs your neck. The last thought you have is what you did to deserve such a fate.

  • you died*
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