Say nothing

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

She slowly turns her head, her gaze appearing distant. She closes her eyes, wistfully sighing.

“Sorry to be so pensive. I just… I just thought that you had gotten lost, like you always do.”

Her dark hair flowed in the wind, fragile and worn. The moon cast a reflection on the ocean, illuminating her face. She looked innocent and confused – as if she had been lost herself. She slowly lifts her gaze to your eyes, quickly diverting it to the ground. She pauses for a moment, and finally says “I guess I was being too impatient.”

The sound of her voice brings your memories back to you, it feels as if you’re swimming – your head is feeling light. A fog engulfs your vision, pictures seem to dance in front of your eyes. Just as you can make out an image of a menacing face, you’re snapped out of it. You’re now face to face with the girl. She is peering into your eyes, confused. She asks you “Where did you go?”

Do you:

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