Quickly connect the loose wires

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

As the elevator shifts once more with a clang you decide to grab the two wires you can see and twist them together. You can't quite make out their colors in the darkness but you get the impression that they don't match. You ignore the tingling from the electricity and finish your quick repairs. Nothing happens, frustrated and you give the box a swift kick. With much sparking, a grinding sound from above and the bone chilling grate of rusty metal on metal, the lift begins to descend.

Elated with your handiness, you fail to notice that the lift is gaining speed. A huge shower of sparks rains from above accompanied by the deafening screech of huge metal clamps trying in vain to slow the lift. The metal cage swings violently, bouncing off the walls and sending you in a crumpled heap to the floor. The clamps finally catch with a crunching clang and the lift stops abruptly. The rusty floor gives out and you crash through, clawing desperately in empty air.

You fall for a heartstoppingly long time before landing with a crunch at the bottom of the shaft. Your last fading thought is of the vacuum tube in the bottom of the control box and that you probably should have tried a little harder to fix the lift.

***You have died***
Play again?

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