Open the door, it's probably empty

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

You hear a gasp and as rustle of cloth. You are temporarily blinded as your eyes adjust to the dim light.

"Hello?" you say cautiously. As your eyes adjust, you make out the single room, with a bed in one corner and a table in the other as its only pieces of furniture. The light comes from a tiny grubby window that looks as if it's never been cleaned. A pile of blankets on the bed seems to be shaking of its own accord.

"I'm not going to hurt you," you say to the trembling pile. "I just want to know what happened." You try to talk in the most reassuring voice you can manage. You stand and wait. After a few moments, a tiny head emerges from the blankets and peers at you. It seems to be a little girl, probably no older than four.

"Hello," you say again, kindly.

"Where's Mommy?"

You struggle not to break down again. You fight down the image of a woman's corpse which instantly tries to rise in your mind. You have to stay strong; you don't want to scare the girl.

"I don't know, I'm sorry," you reply. The girl's eyes fill with tears. To stop her from crying, you rush on, "But listen, I'm here to help. I'll try to find your mommy. But I need you to help me first. Can you help me?"

The girls eyes go wide. But she nods.

"Tell me what happened here."

The girl tells you her story

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