Mercilessly slaughter Xenu and Joseph with the flute

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

"Play this, BITCH!" you yell as you plunge the wooden flute deep into the optical lens of Xenu. The lens shatters as white hot liquid pours from Xenu's eye socket. Xenu slumps over, lifeless.

"What have you done!!!" cries Joseph.

"Oh you can talk now, huh?" you exclaim. "I liked it better when you grunted and played with your drum while being Xenu's little BITCH. You want to learn the eye flute, too, mother f'er? TWIDDLE DEE TWIDDLE DEE BITCH!!"

You jerk the flute out of Xenu's eye. You take the eye jizz covered flute and ram that bitch right in Joseph's eye.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!!!!" screams Joseph.

"Why you are still talking you pasty freak!? Shut your mouth and and die like your brother!!!" you yell in a murderous rage while kicking Joseph in his teeth.

You watch with glee as Joseph convulses in death, his brain having been liberated through his eye socket, courtesy of your flute. "F yeah," you say as you look down at the lifeless hunks of pasty flesh. "I hate hipsters."

You pick up the flute, wipe off the blood, and play it like a boss. A wormhole opens and you walk through it, destroying all reality.

   Play again?
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