Laboratory Holding Cell Terminals

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

Ignoring the other cells you walk over to and examine the workstation, several of the screens are on and are displaying a myriad of data. Biological readings, strange mathematical equations, confusing anatomy blueprints, and chemical formulas all scroll across the displays. There are two keyboards, several strange input devices and and an intriguing set of clamps hanging from a rack to one side of the desk. Your headular appendage is pulsing with energy now. Not knowing what to do, you tap several keys on a keyboard. The center screen goes blank, a single line of text appears at the top.

Feed Ready

A small blinking green light on the side of one of the terminals catches your eye, it is set into the plugs of a pair of wires. You follow the wires to the set of clamps hanging on the rack. They appear to be the perfect size to hook onto your headular appendage.

Do you:

Hook the clamps to your headular appendage

Enter the matrix baby!

Leave the machine alone

No way am I hooking those jumper cables to me!

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