Ignore the person and down the remaining liquid

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

"I warned you not to drink it!" screams the voice, as the liquid starts to glow. The scenery around you starts to fade into nothing, and the area around you gets smaller and smaller. The liquid starts to glow brighter and brighter... and it seems to be expanding! You fear you may drown, as the liquid begins to cover you, but as it reaches your chin, the liquid all at once rushes into to the form of a very strong human being, with four arms. The features of the body slowly grow in, and the liquid slowly disappears. Now standing infront of you is probably the strongest being you have ever seen. You can see a dark evil cloud form on the ground, as the creatures three eyes begin to glow. The creature grabs your skull with one of his four arms. "You dare drink to your delightment with my liquid remains? Do you know who i am?!" You find your speechless as you are lifted off your feet. "I should crush your skull in and eat your soul, for showing the dark lord disrespect!"

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