Go look for a friendly house

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

You make your way into town. Its starting to get dark out, and the cobble stone road is cold under your feet. You walk on the main roads looking for a home-owner who looks friendly enough to approach. You hear a loud CLANG CLANG noise, and turn your head to see a burly blacksmith pounding away on an anvil. This guy looks as good as any you think, and walk into his domain. "Excuse me Sir! I was wondering If you might be able to put me up for the night." You say loud enough to get his attention. He turns around sharply and looks around. "Down here." you say. "Oh hello little one!" He says louder than necessary. "Are you asking me for room and board!?" "You see, I'm a little short on money, and I am willing to work for your troubles." you say, second guessing your choice of host. The large man puts his hand on his chin in thought. He mumbles his ideas through closed lips, and comes to a conclusion. "Well," he says "it just so happens that I do need some help, and my usual lackey has been playing hooky. I'm Chet, Whats your name?" "I'm reddit." You say excited to have found a place to stay, and curious as to what sort of work he needs from you. "Great! ok basically I am making a sword for the G-Man. It's a very important sword, and I have come to the critical stage of hardening the steel. I need you to follow a specific set of instructions. First You need to normalize the steel so that it has no weak points. Do this by heating the steel to 40º, keep it at that tempter for at least 2 minutes, then let it air cool. When you are done with that, come find me." He hands you the sword and walks away. Its very heavy.

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