Follow it, let it reveal everything to you.

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

You choose to follow the beast into the elevator. Something in the back of your mind tells you to run away, but your curiosity is stronger.

You are in the elevator.

The beast glances at you a moment too long, then grabs the shaft of the elevator, and pulls you upwards. For several minutes, you sit in the corner of the elevator, thinking about what is happening.

"Were here" The beast said.

You are so awed by what you see that you take a few steps out of the elevator. There are giant eggs in front of you, thousands, possibly millions. You feel a cold ocean breeze.

"Brother!" You hear from somewhere.

Startled, you turn around, but there is no one behind you. Where the beast and the elevator were, there is only an empty elevator shaft.

do you:

Look for the voice

inspect one of the eggs

try to go back down the elevator shaft

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