Find a place to hide

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

You look around the hut and see a closet. The hinges creak as you open it. You quickly hide yourself inside it. The banging on the door gets louder and finally, the door breaks open. You hear two voices.

"WHERE IS HE?", says the loud, booming voice. "I...I don't know what you're talking about." The other voice is low and soft, and you immediately recognize it as being the young woman's voice. "I KNOW HE IS HERE. DON'T PLAY TRICKS WITH ME, WOMAN." You can hear him searching the place. Soon, he opens the closet door and you find yourself face to face with a large man with bright red eyes and a scowl on his face. He has a long grey beard that touches the floor. Your heart is racing. He is about to kill you with a gleaming dagger. Suddenly, he falls to the floor, screaming in agony.

"Come, we must hurry!", says the young woman. She grabs your hand and starts running into the forest. It is getting colder and darker by the minute and you are shivering.

The two of you soon reach a lake and set up a camp. The young woman lights a fire and sits next to it. Her dark brown hair flutters gently in the breeze. No sound can be heard except the crackling of the fire and the chirping of crickets. Occasionally, you hear a wolf howl in the distance. "For how long have you been here?", the young woman says, breaking the silence.

Do you say:

"I... I've just been here for no more than a day. The most recent thing I remember is being trapped in a dimly lit stone building."

"How did you manage to kill that man?"

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