Confront the woman-beast

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

You decide to accept this challenge of a fight between you and the woman-beast. You flex your legs and bob your head as you quickly stretch and prepare for combat. You put yourself into a classic boxing stance, both fists raised up protecting your face. You wait for her to make the first move. The woman-beast stops screeching and lunges straight at you, but you move to the left and dodge her. As she recovers your dodge, you punch her in the face as hard as possible with your right hand. Though your knuckles are scraped bare from the rough skin this beast has, she shrieks again but starts to scramble away into the shadows. As you pursue her, you realize the beast is gone! How did she vanish like that?

Success! You defended yourself agains the best, but for how long? With your right hand hurting bad, you rip off a piece of your shirt and wrap it around the bear knuckles.

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