Agree, anything to please her

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

She utters words in a strange tongue. You are overwhelmed with a feeling of vertigo. You are falling. Suddenly you are looking at yourself. Your soul, detached from your body, hangs in front of you. It seems to have a shape like a body, but it shifts, buffeted by an invisible wind. There is light at its centre, burning. It hurts your eyes. Instinctively, your body pulls away, protecting itself. There is a rushing noise, like the blast of a strong wind. Then there is pain, excruciating pain. You can no longer see, something else has taken over your body, something evil. You can feel its presence, yet you know that you are separated. With a flash of horror, you understand what you have done. Your body has been possessed by a demon, but you can still feel it, it is still part of you. You try to struggle, to fight the demon, but you realize you are powerless. You cannot move without your body. You are trapped.

Your disembodied soul floats powerless in a void for eternity, long outliving the painful occupation and death of you body by the evil demon.

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