A dingy brick passage

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

You walk down the passage a long ways. It seems to go on forever without end. You are about to give up and turn around, when, at last, you see something in the distance, a bright light and what looks like a large open area. Quickening your pace, you reach this new room and step forward into the chamber. However, you soon realize that this was a mistake. Sitting upon a pile of skulls is a beast whose sight chills you to your very bones. Though your memory is gone, you somehow know at once what this is, a Balrog. But the beast doesn't give you time to contemplate your predicament. With lightning speed, it pounces upon you, and, using one of its sharp seven fingered hands, shovels you into its mouth. As your skull is crunched between its fiery teeth, you wish to yourself that you had taken a different path.

***You have died***

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