Aren't the stars beautiful?

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

Revision as of 06:29, 12 February 2011 by Quixotiko (Talk | contribs)
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It's morning. You wake up with a groan--the sun is glaring in your eyes. As you sit up, you immediately realize two things: sleeping on the grass does not feel good on your back, and you had way too much to drink last night. Your body protests with every movement, and your head is throbbing. You stumble to your feet and look around for the old man. He's not outside. You go back into the cottage. He's in his bed, fast asleep. You decide not to wake him. You still don't know who you are, and you can't stay here forever. You decide to take a few apples from the orchard to eat later, and go back to the path by the river.

You make it back to the path and continue on

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