
From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

Revision as of 04:45, 11 February 2011 by Quixotiko (Talk | contribs)
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As you try to fight the spell, you feel warmth returning to your body. The woman merely watches you struggle to free yourself, with a curious expression on her face. The more you struggle, the more alert you become. You feel something strange happen. Your skin begins to radiate heat, a feeling like electricity runs under your skin. Somehow, you know what to do. Concentrating, you force the trickles of energy up into your antennae. You can feel it focus the energy, and instinctively, you pull it back and then release it, aiming for the woman. You watch the ball of energy fly towards her. Almost imperceptibly, she raises her hand and swats the ball of energy away at the last moment. She smiles, but you can see that she looks a bit startled.

"Good, you are learning, apprentice," she says.

Do you:

She clearly meant for you to resist all along.

You can try to take the woman by surprise, and kill her before she kills you.

She's the one behind all this. It's the only way to find out who you are.

It's getting too dangerous here anyway.

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