Swirl your finger around in the liquid

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

Revision as of 21:15, 10 February 2011 by Abw1987 (Talk | contribs)

Hesitating at first, your curiosity overwhelms you and you place the empty half of the box onto the ground. Slowly but deliberately, you dab your finger on the surface of the liquid. Surprisingly, you find that it feels turgid, almost like the skin on a fresh pot of chocolate pudding. Pressing a bit harder, the membrane does not break, but "parts" as your finger plunges into the substance. It is warm, and slightly gooey, almost mucous-like.

Intrigued, your instinct is to continue manipulating the substance. Slowly you begin swirling your finger in the liquid, gradually speeding up until you are churning it like a blender. Suddenly there is a flash of light and your hand is cast out of the box as the weight of your body is thrown back into the side of the elevator. In this split second you catch a glimpse of a fist-sized creature flying out of the box. It was a winged creature, the head of which you only know to be a trollface. You are not sure, but at that moment you think you feel the antennae on your head throbbing ever so slightly.

Briefly stunned, what do you do?

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