From Realspira
This is a wikki about the Lenne from the community on GreatestJournal, known as realspira. She hasn't had an incredibly interesting life up until now. The only interesting things are far too personal for her to share to many people on the internet! So instead she'll just bore you with her hobbies, and a bit of detailed information about her dreams.
Basic Information
Name: Lenne
Nicknames: Lenny? Though doesn't especially like that nickname, as it reminds her of Lenny Kravitz.
Age: 18
Date of Birth: June 26, 1988
Astrological Sign: Cancer. Supposes that's fitting.
Height: 5'7"
Ethnicity: Irish, Itallian, and Cherokee Indian. Maybe more?
Love Interest: Squall. (Yes, the Squall I'm talking about is a real person. That's what I call him. He doesn't have a wikki page of his own, so can't link to him D:)
Sexual Preference: Straight
Personality Type: Is unsure?
Current Location: Twin Falls, ID
Future Location: Is unsure.
Dreams: Has had many ambitions, but always finds a fault in pursuing them. However, there are a few that she would like to follow through with.
.1) Learning Japanese and Chinese. Knows a bit more Japanese than Chinese, as she just barely started to learn Chinese. She started to teach herself Japanese in the 8th grade, but then became too busy and stressed to follow through with it. Now she has time to learn both languages. Isn't very advanced in either one.
..2) To get voice training. Lenne loves singing more than doing just about anything else. She certainly isn't the best singer, but would like to improve as much as she can.
...3) To do voice acting. She used to roleplay with a few friends using only their voices, and add-libs to shows all the time. So some of the potential is there.
....4) Would love to become a music video producer, as she feels that there aren't very many in the present who have original ideas. Has many original Idea's of her own.
A bit more detailed
Lenne was born in Boise, Idaho. Though she wasn't really raised there. Up until the age of nine her family moved around quite a lot. She can't recall the name of hardly any of the school's she attended. In the year 1998, her family moved to a small Mormon town called Pocatello, in Idaho. Come September she enrolled in a school called Bonivelle, for fourth grade. She met someone there who later would prove to be a.. pretty sad excuse for a friend. Her friend was constantly manipulating her and getting her into trouble. Finally realizing that she can't take much more of it, after a certain incident, Lenne breaks off the friendship. Her ex-friend's sister, Shaade, and her friend, Kaz, spotted a lonely Lenne sitting on the stairs of the school, cold and alone ( so tragic, huh?). Despite the aweful things Lenne did to Shaade while under her sisters influence, Shaade invited Lenne to hang out with her and Kaz.
Kaz and Lenne never got along up until that day. Shaade and Kaz were talking about a show called Gundam Wing. Tagging behind them, she heard some of the conversation, and very curious and interested, asked what show they were talking about. She learned the show was categorized as something called Anime, and that the show was on another show called Toonami. That night she went home and watched the weird yet highly interesting show that they were talking about. After about half of the episode, Lenne was completely lost, so she picked up the Phone and called kaz, who informed her of everything that was going on. A thing called Anime is what brought the three closer together.
(And again, Lenne got lazy. She'll be back to update more!)