From Realmofthemuse
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Captain Jack Harkness | |
Character Journal: | I was only saying Hello... |
Race: | Outwardly Human |
Home Planet: | The Boeshane Peninsula |
Home Era: | Born in the 51st Century |
Affiliated with: | The Doctor & Reinette, Rose Tyler |
Writer: | Lollobrigida |
Captain Jack Harkness isn't his real name, but he still is a flirtatious, pan-sexual, charming, ex-Time Agent. His travels took him from the 1800's to the year 5000 and all of the stops in between. He's been a lover, a fighter, a con artist, a liar, a coward and a hero and sometimes all in the same day.
Contents |
The Time Agent
One of the first to be recruited to the Time Agency back home on the Boeshane Peninsula he enjoyed his work and even more the accreditation that it gave to him. While most of their work is still protected under the Boeshane Future Acts Diplomacy Contingence, there are a few instances that remain known about their actions.
Being a Time Agent was something that carried with it a rather large deal of pride and clout to it's title and over several missions the overall directive of the group seemed to falter and the manner in which it was being run was not in line with the morals and premise that had been instituted when it first was created.
Disagreeing with their methods he diverted from the group and was sent back in time as punishment for betraying their trust and their main directive. Rather than worry about being displaced in time he simply took on the name Captain Jack Harkness and assumed the life and memories of a man he didn't know at all.
Captain Jack Harkness
Two Years Gone
At some point during his temporal banishment from the Boeshane Peninsula and all the advantages of being a Time Agent Jack in his new life and name felt something different and when he awoke in 1941 he had come to realize that the last two years of his life were a blur. He could remember certain aspects of it, but most of it seemed just to be like a giant hole in his memory. Even the items that he thought he recalled seemed a bit too far fetched and not familiar at all.
Jack knew at that moment that the only ones able to do such a thing to another person was The Time Agency and rather than just move on with his life and accept the fate that they had dealt to him he tried countless times to pull them into a deal to trade for his two missing years.
The Doctor and Rose
The last con that he tried to pull on the Time Agency failed when he realized he wasn't dealing with the Time Agency at all, but instead a Time Lord and his Companion. When he realizes how poorly his attempt to scam the Time Agency has failed he is left with only one choice in the end. To take the live atomic bomb into the Chula vessel he had commandeered and enjoy his last drink.
Thankfully for him, Rose and The Doctor saw something in him that he had not expected and they saved him from the impending explosion and allowed him to join them in their travels.
Accompanying The Doctor and Rose on their adventures Jack forgot about trying to scam the Time Agency for knowledge of his two years and instead focused on the man that Rose and The Doctor saw in him. A Hero and someone worth saving from an atomic bomb.
Satellite Five
One of the adventures that Jack came with the Doctor and Rose on took him unwillingly to Satellite Five where he was the main star of an android version of "What Not to Wear". After being stripped down and raising veiwership with his 'proportions' and physique, he was dressed up by the androids and then it turned a bit dangerous when they wanted to do some facial work on him. Refusing Jack revealed a Compact Laser Deluxe pistol that he had been hiding on his person... even when he was naked. Destroying the Androids he flees the show and reunites with The Doctor and Rose trying to figure out what exactly is going on in Satellite Five.
Eventually an all out battle is impending between the Dalek Nation and Humanity and Jack defends the station with his very life dying at the end of a laser from a Dalek. When the Doctor cannot kill the humans and leaves it to the Dalek army to destroy them it would seem all is lost.
However Rose returns in the TARDIS having looked into the Heart of the TARDIS and the power she consumed destroys the Dalek army and with a single phrase 'I bring life...' she brings Jack back to life in the confines of Satellite Five.
However while he is on his way toward the TARDIS The Doctor leaves him behind knowing that his own body is too weak to remain behind.
Searching for The Doctor
Unsure of where exactly the Doctor has traveled Jack uses a Vortex Manipulator in an attempt to travel back to Cardiff Wales knowing that the Rift there is being used for recharging the TARDIS. However being unable to control the true destination he ends up reaching the Rift in the year 1869 (1709) and is forced to relive all of those years in order to finally find the Doctor.
Eternal Life
The trip using the Vortex was one that could not be done over and while reliving the history once more Jack comes to realize that when Rose brought him back to life it was for good. Although he has lost track of how many times he has died, very few of them last long enough to cause worry and most of them are not something he prefers to discuss with others.
This benefit has also been a curse in that he's watched people he's loved grow older and die, and at times he himself had wondered if life was truly worth living over once more.
Torchwood : Cardiff Wales
Some time after the Prime Minister was deemed unfit for duty Jack was appointed the head of rebuilding Torchwood and when he did this he did it in the same manner that the Doctor had taught him. Trying to make a difference and learn from the other alien cultures instead of attacking them with everything they could possibly throw at them.
He worked there along side his fellow team members waiting for the TARDIS to reappear and for him to finally get the answers he'd been searching for about just what happened on Satellite Five practically a lifetime ago for him.
Present Day - RolePlaying Inclusion
Girl Troubles
Upon dealing with a particularly troublesome growth of the Tachkrin plant in Wales Jack goes through the transformation process that is supposed to be a seventy two hour ordeal, only to realize that it is going to last far longer than that.
The Tachkrin plant actively produces enough hormone to actively transform the victim of its toxin into the opposite gender of sex. Said to be quite useful in cultures where only one sex of a species is left and reproduction is needed for survival the Tachkrin plant is generally outlawed on most of this side of the galaxy.
The species that Jack and Torchwood encounter has sustained itself by unknown means and the cross breeding of the plant paired with Jack's unusual condition of perpetual life renders the usual method of the shift back 'ie: sex' useless and Jack is stuck as a female until a cure could be found.
However as a female Jack does attend the Worlds End Party in New York and stirs up a bit of trouble with Mickey Smith and Ianto Jones. He also relishes in the fact that in his female form he has rather red hair and the Doctor has always wanted to be Ginger.
After dealing with the issue for some time, Jack contacts Martha Jones who helps sort out just how to help him back to his prior state of a flirty deadly charming man.
Out of Character Notations of Worth
There are many things about Jack's current history and character that have yet to be put into actual canon through the series. Certain aspects of these things I have taken creative liberties with, knowing full well that if and when these things are revealed they will be altered forever. My personal belief is that Jack is the type that would make up a story because it sounded good and would get whoever was asking off of his back.
That being said, some aspects that I am creating for him in time will be replaced with "The Real Truth" and others will be shifted around so that "The Real Truth" is actually the story he tells everyone else. Which aspects remain which version of the truth will be detailed as they change within the confines of this page.
One of these instances will most likely be the contents of the two years that the Time Agents stole from him, because my version just sounds so much more entertaining to me.
Another important note is that in order to put my Two Years Gone storyline into place I have Jack's initial trip with the Vortex taking him to the year 1709, but when he speaks of this to the Doctor he'll lie and refer to the year 1869 instead.