Delta Nova

From Reach

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Delta Nova is a major settlement at the northern end of the North Belt. Being close to the Up Pole, it is colder than the majority of the Temperate Belt, averaging -5 degrees celsius. This allows Delta Nova to be prime hunting ground for predators from both the Temperate Belt and the Polar Region, and hence what makes Delta Nova famous.



Delta Nova is more fortress than settlement. Its population of 35,000 are heavily defended by Recrete walls 2 feet thick, which are under surveilance 30 hours a day. Automatic turrets are up to discourage attacks of opperunity, but predators are drawn with a strange force towards the town. In addition to automated defenses, armed response teams are on call at all hours, to deal with larger threats such as Juggernaughts or Leaper Packs.


The reason that Delta Nova is so heavily defended is that it is the primary creator of weapon technology on Reach. The snapper, RE-7, and Muto-gene all came from within its walls. 70% of the adult population works in the think tanks there, devising new and ingenious ways to eliminate the natural population. While information is shared freely within the town, outsider access is strictly prohibited. A seperate walled area was created for traders and travellers to keep them seperated from any spies that could leak information. While people from the town are allowed into the "Risk Zone", they are highly discouraged, and often avoid it if possible, as the defenses on the addition are not as maintained (read inopperable) as the ones defending the town. "Deltans" that leave the area must be monitored at all times by a floater, and if it is ever disabled they are labeled as a security threat and not allowed to reenter.


Delta Nova does not limit research to any particular branch of weapons technology. Their main branches are biotechnology, infantry, siege, and space. The most focus is put on infantry (hand-held) weaponry, as that is easily movable, and consistantly sells well. Siege weapons are the next highest priority, to help settlements deal with the larger predators.

Juggernaught Attack of 3147

Delta Nova had the unfortunate honor of being the first settlement to encounter a Juggernaught. At that time the largest predator discovered was 12 meters long, something that could be handled by conventional hand-held weaponry. Therefore, they were drastically underprepared for a Juggernaught attack. It came spinning in at 28:37 local time, smashing through the Recrete walls as if they were plaster. It tore through 12 buildings before it finally stopped, and then only to change direction. All conventional weapons save the Gencap Railrifle simply reflected off of or did not phase it's crystalline body, and the railrifle itself did little to slow it down. The largest weapon available was a prototype Impactor Railgun, but the warm up time was over 20 minutes, meaning that the attack was over by the time it was online. The assault was eventually ended when it was drawn into a warehouse stocking RE-5, which was then detonated. The resultant blast flattened .4km of buildings in all directions, and yet failed to fully destroy the Juggernaught. It limped away from the blast and was finished off by a number railrifles, and eventually the prototype Impactor. The Juggernaught has since been covered in Tilum plates and mounted in the middle of the plaza as a reminder of why advancing technology is important.

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