Talk:Main Page

From Rb67

Revision as of 18:53, 14 March 2007 by K5083 (Talk | contribs)
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Matthew, this wiki seems like a good idea. I am, I suspect like you, an amateur who has gotten into the RB67 system by purchasing a pro's castoffs on ebay in recent months. I am through about 5 or 6 rolls of film and have developed quite an infatuation with this beastly camera. There are a lot of us out there and it will be nice to have a place to share info. I sure need some.

A suggestion about the compatibility chart. It might be nice to add the information, not only what can be used with what, but what the limitations or tricks are. For example, the Pro back can be used on the Pro-S but there will be no multiple exposure prevention, no dark slide holder, and possibly something else I'm forgetting. These would all be factors in somebody's decision whether to bid for something on ebay which is probably the main use of the chart.

I will contribute more when I feel that I have learned anything worth saying! Best of luck.


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