Radioactive afikomen

From Rationalwikiwki

Prominent Member
The awards committee at RWW has awarded this user the Ron Jeremy Prominent Member Award
Stalk this user! omg, it's a joke...
 Joined: 8-3-07[1]
 Real name: J.A.M.
 Age range: 18
 Gender: male
 Locale: Albany, Oregon, United States
 Stance: atheist (tolerant)
 Misc.: college student; Jewish; Costa Rican[2]
user page -- user talk -- contributions

Radioactive afikomen (often called "RA" by lazy typists) is another RationalWiki contributor who seems unable to sleep. He is immensely proud of the size of his contributions,[3] which he boasts about regularly and presumably thinks will help him to pull in chicks. Sadly, it is not size that matters, but quality.

After helping revert pagemove vandalism, Radioactive afikomen was offered sysopship by Pinto's5150.[4] He initially declined, claiming he "didn't feel ready for that degree of responsibility" and would reconsider a "few weeks or months... [later]."[5] A few weeks or monthsThree days later, he changed his mind and asked for Pinto to sysop him.[5] He was accordingly sysoped by Pinto's5150 Jan. 16, 2008.[6]

He once maliciously blocked Rational Thinker,[7] though he quickly apologized for it,[7] in one of the few cases of a sysop directly apologizing for such.


RA suffers from "Random Sock Creation Syndrome", but with proper care and medication he may yet recover. Known sockpuppets include: Namuh; My password is New Gwenson; Yoda, my password is; DMlaP; Bohdan4 through Bohdan10; My password is Bohdan; and Spamgasm.

Notes and references

  1. User creation log for Radioactive afikomen.
  2. Radioactive afikomen mentions his ethnicity in passing.
  3. RA has made over 100 edits to his signature updating his edit count[1].
  4. Pinto's5150 offers RA sysopship ("demotion").
  5. RA declines sysopship Jan. 13, then recants Jan 16.
  6. User rights log for Radioactive afikomen.
  7. RA blocks Rational Thinker, then apologizes for blocking him less than 60 minutes later.
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