Just Like Conservapedia

From Rationalwikiwki

The latest trend among critics of RationalWiki (yes - such people do exist, unfathomable as it is) seems to be to claim that RationalWiki is, or is becoming, Just Like Conservapedia.

Usually, the spoken or unspoken premise is that the select banning of certain members, the dislike of unregistered IPs or the supposed existence of a Cabal which may or may not secretly rule the Wiki from a hidden base deep in the Carribbean forum somehow equals the the massive oppression taking place at Conservapedia.

While it may seem counterintuitive at first, this claim is in fact Obviously True (TM). A simple comparison of e.g. the block logs of Conservapedia and RationalWiki shows this to be the case. Truly, RationalWiki is Just Like Conservapedia.

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