
From Randoma

“Dreestith! Its time to get up!” My mother called from the hallway. By the way, my name is Dreestith, and this is my story from the age of fifteen to the age of seventeen, you see, a few years ago, I had a werewolf bite me. A few months later, a wounded dragon was flying over head, and kinda bled right into my mouth, upon which, made the Dragon’s blood enter to be running in my veins. I am Part dragon, part wolf, and mostly human, but thats as far as I know, I may have more races in me, I just don't know it. I first noticed a change when I was stronger than some of the people in my school. “Ugh... why does it have to be morning?” I asked tiredly, my sister, Seruna replied with a mocking of my mother’s words. I opened my eyes and sat up in a T-shirt and pants, after I chased my sister out, I closed the door and changed. After I was ready for the day I went down and had some breakfast. My mom asked me to shave, being the fact that I had a beard with sideburns Seruna usually pesters me about my beard also, because I like to scrape the hair on her so, she really doesn’t enjoy it. I ignored the question completely, and walked off to school. This is one of the first times I WANTED school to be over with, being that tonight was the night that I left my hometown. I was going to run away, I felt too much pain from my family, school and other activities because of the fact that I was a Dragon/Human mix. Somehow, even when I first became part dragon, I knew that this day was coming. I knew something the others didn’t and I need to keep them from knowing it, I knew a routine of storms that covered the earth every two years, they were very powerful. From what I knew, tonight was the night of the storm.

    It had already began raining and I was inside eating dinner with my family, I liked the Chicken she had made tonight, of course, since I'm a dragon, I always like meat. My father-who I hardly ever saw anymore-was home, my mother and father are both Dragon Rider's good ones at that. They named me after their first dragon, Dreestith, I'd seen it only once, it was about twenty-five feet high at the shoulder. Compared to me, that thing was GIGANTIC and was pretty much the only thing my father knew of that fascinated me, ever. As soon as I finished eating I went into my bedroom to lay. A couple of minutes later my dad came in to check on me, after seeing that I was just laying there, he left. A few hours later when I was sure everybody was asleep, or in too much fear to move I grabbed up some things that I would need and put them in a leather pack once I was set to go I jumped out of my second story room and ran out of the town at a pace no person in my town could keep up with. I eventually found a spot of trees that weren't extremely wet, and rested there for the night. I slept high on a limb because of the fact that if I didn't I was sure I was going to be found. 

    When I woke up in the morning, I instantly started dashing in the way I was going I then remembered that I had wings that I could force out of my body (I had tested it before), so I sprouted my wings out of my back and began flying in the direction of a tower I spotted upon waking up by the time I reached it, it was almost sunset, and I hadn't stopped to rest I decided to rest atop the tower and take out an apple (which I had already forgotten that I was very alllergic to in an odd way, being that it affected me in very different ways anytime I ate one), which I eat very ravenously I stood up, and began walking torwards the end, but fell right before falling flat on my face and falling asleep. 

    A couple Days passed as I was asleep, and I had forgotten my family, my friends, and my name, pretty much the only thing I remembered was the fact that I was wolf, and dragon and mostly human. I dropped off of the Tower and began flying torward a big clearing which I was pretty sure was a town which my guess was almost correct as it was a ghost town. It was mostly demolished with a pedestal in the center of it. It looked like it had an opening in the middle of it, not really a hole, but a place that would fall through if anything landed on it. Feeling adventurous, I landed on the pedestal and fell through. I landed in pitch darkness, I breathe a bit of fire to light it up and see a bunch of skeletons in the corner. I jump about 10 feet into the air and fly out of the town very quickly and fly torward another clearing I saw after rising into the sky. I went to the clearing and sure enough this one was just like the last one I was at this time I didn't stop to go in, but instead kept flying to find a town, but, by the end of the night I had found nothing except ghost towns.

After quite a few days of traveling like that, I had come upon a real town. I had a tiny bit of money that I had gotten from my parents as allowance, and I was hoping it was enough to have one night at an inn. Before entering the town, I retracted my wings before, and landed a few feet out, hoping no one had noticed me in flight. After coming into the town, I received a few glances from people in disgust as if I was an alien to them.

I found the inn and asked if 13 Gold was enough to stay there. The man behind the counter said “Why, yes it is, in fact it is a bit over the amount needed for the stay,” The man gave me my key to my room, and had the bellhop show me to my room.

A few hours after entering my room I got tired and laid down to sleep, but that takes quite a while I hadn’t really slept in the past few days, and that first horrifying ghost was just too much to bare. I stayed there for the night, and when I woke up a couple was about to enter the room, apparently the clerk had forgotten that I had rented this room. Oh well, I guess its time for me to get out. I leave the room a few minutes before the couple entered. I left the inn and walked around the town to see if there was a place where I could get a weapon.

A few hours of random walking around led me to a weaponsmith who would forge me a spear for only 2 gold, so, I showed him a design I wanted, which I called, the redemption spear. The design was to be light, and easy to carry, which he made work. So, I now had a weapon, and everything looked like it was going my way till a few minutes later when I ran into a human palidan "Oof!" we both say in unison as we fall, I climb to my feet immediately and helped him up.

"Sorry about running into you, I should have been looking where I was going," I say to him. "No, it was my fault," he insists." I noticed something odd about him, and asked about it, "Hey, are you a paladin?" I ask him. "Somewhat, I'm a paladin/light wizard," he replies. "So, whats your name?" he asks me. "Ummmm, I don't really know" I reply "You don't know your own name??" he wanted to know "No, I don't remember anything from my past," I reply being a bit annoyed "Oh, I see." He replied, trying to be polite

After a few hours, we still hadn't found anthing out about my name, "Well, I guess we'll have to go with a name somehow, do you know what races you are?" He asks me. "Well, I think I'm somewhat a dragon by some odd way, not sure" I reply "I think I'm part werewolf, also," "Well then, I guess we will call you wolfy!" He says "Oh, by the way, my name is Adam!"

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