
From Randoma

Chrono thinks back to the time and place, aka, stormy night with rain pouring the forest, bark that is pitch black, alot of mud, and currently one character on the ouside of the forest trying to get back home through the forest without a weapon, not knowing what would happen

A character runs into the forest the character (Chrono) slips and falls several times, finally falling, almost too exhausted to move just then a shadowy human like thing appears in front of Chrono, you can't tell from a distance, but it looks like Archis as Chrono struggles to get up, Archis Zaps him with lightning, all that happened was the mud on Chrono's body was dried, which made it easier for him to get up, Chrono's hands outstretch but only a poof of air comes out of his hand.

Archis is heard saying "Uh-oh, this isn't going very well" before he disappears from sight Chrono looks around a bit, but soon begins walking to the lighted house on the other side of the forest, *the time fast forwards a few hours into the future* Chrono is seen leaving his house with his head bowed down and holding the handle of his sheathed blade.

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