
From Random Events


Basic Information

Full Name: P16

Alias: “Cookie”

Gender: Male

Species: Mouse

Alignment: Neutral Good

Universe of Origin: Randoma

Place of Origin: SEVA labs

Place of Residence: None

Socioeconomic Status: Low-Class Pet

Reputations: Cookie is not well-known at all, so in a way, he doesn't really have a reputation.

Physical Information

Length: 6"

Weight: 1oz.

Current Age: 1

Birth Date: 3/3 (Pisces)

Physical Appearance: P16 is, pretty much, a white mouse. He has no real distinguishing features.

Body Structure: P16 can switch between bipedal and quadropedal at will.

Gear and Accessories: Water Materia (which he can use, despite the fact that he has nothing to equip it to).

Vehicles: None

Mental Information

Intelligence: P16 has the intelligence of an average human. Having spent time in a lab, he has picked up on academic knowledge quite well. He is a visual learner and seems to pick up on new concepts fairly quickly (just look at how fast he learned to use materia so efficiently). He is able to understand english.

Personality: P16 is the pinnacle of caring. He cares about others more than himself and often utilizes the power of a kind word. He hates to see someone sad and will try to cheer them up if possible. He is not afraid to show his emotions. He gets scared easily, but this does not stop him from being very brave in the face of danger.

It is very hard to anger P16, but when he gets angry, this usually either causes him to take action or seek comfort from others. When he is sad, it is plainly visible, but unless his sadness is great, he will usually just wait for it to pass unless someone intervenes to cheer him up.

Hobbies and Interests: Stories, music, and physical activity.

Likes: Tea, cookies (his favorite food, after which he was nicknamed), and cool weather.

Dislikes: Scary movies (though books, he doesn't mind)

Combat Ability

Physical Advantages: P16 is fairly agile. He is hard to hit and, when pitted against very large enemies, hard to see. He can breath ice and even freeze an opponent, which can come in handy. At times of great peril, he can also breathe acid at the enemy. He works best in environments with plenty of cover.

Mental Advantages (in combat): Other than the ability to use materia without equipping it, none.

Physical Disadvantages: P16 is physically little stronger than an average mouse. He also cannot wield weaponry, unless one were specifically made for him. Last, but not least, he is completely mute.

Mental Disadvantages (in combat): None.

Abilities: - Freezing Breath: With this, Cookie can freeze small objects (or large ones, given time) or put out fires. - Hail Breath: Instead of simple cold breath, P16 breathes damaging hail at the opponent, which flies much farther.


Family: Two average housemice, plus many siblings.

Friends: Almost everyone in the RP except WolvenXII, who tried to kill him for no apparent reason.

Enemies: WolvenXII

Rivals: None

Background Story: P16 was once a normal white mouse, but was experimented on by a kind scientist named Den. The cage he was kept in was actually quite confortable and became a sort of second home to him. First, he was given a cookie that enhanced his agility and speed. Second, he was given a cookie that enhanced his intelligence. The next cookie allowed him to comprehend english, but Den noticed a problem when P16 neither squeaked nor spoke; the cookie had muted him. However, after this, since P16 was able to take instructions, he was allowed outside his cage and was also given a new nickname, "Cookie". The last cookie, the one that finally connected the cookies with the mutations in P16's mind, was the one that allowed him to breate ice and, at times of great peril (though he wouldn't realize this until much later), acid.

Unfortunately, due to an experiment gone horribly wrong, P16 was forced to flee the burning lab, never to meet Den again.

Concept Information

Intended Role: Cookie was meant to be the shy hero, the one that would fight boldly, yet would seek neither fame nor fortune, content to do good for the sake of good.

Significant Meanings: None

Incorporated Concepts: None

Inspirations: None

Trivia/Miscellaneous Information: None

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