Faculty Funding
From R P R Portal
- Visiting Research Fellowships:
-- Sponsor: Centre for Studies in Religion and Society at the University of Victoria
-- SYNOPSIS: The sponsoring organization is providing two to five fellowships for research terms of two to twelve months duration. The purpose of the fellowship is to provide research space and an environment conducive to writing and reflection to scholars working on research projects in the area of religion and society.
-- Deadline(s): 01/31/2011
-- E-mail: csrs@uvic.ca
-- Web Site: http://csrs.uvic.ca/programs/fellowships/visiting.php
-- OBJECTIVES: The sponsoring organization is providing a fellowship which aims to promote the scholarly study of religion in relation to any and all aspects of society and culture, both contemporary and historical. Topics may include, but are not limited to, examinations of religious themes within the areas of ethics, health, law, environment, technology, government and public policy, human conflict, art, literature, the media, and currents and debates in philosophy and the natural sciences.
-- ELIGIBILITY: The sponsor's fellowship is open to Canadian and international scholars; emeritus scholars; new scholars; and scholars on sabbatical leave from their regular academic appointments.
-- FUNDING: The sponsor will provide private office space centrally located on the scenic University campus; university privileges; enhanced opportunities for research networking and exchange; and participation in the organization's wide range of scholarly and social activities.
- Collaborative Research Grants:
-- Sponsor: American Academy of Religion
-- SYNOPSIS: The sponsor each year grants awards ranging from $500 to $5000 to support projects proposed by members of the sponsor's organization and selected by the Research Grants Review Committee.
-- Deadline(s): 08/01/2010
-- Web Site: http://www.aarweb.org
-- Program URL: http://www.aarweb.org/Programs/Grants/Research/collaborative.asp
-- OBJECTIVES: Collaborative grants are intended to stimulate cooperative research among scholars in different institutions, with a focus on a clearly identified research project. They may also be used for interdisciplinary work with scholars outside the field of religion, especially when such work shows promise of continuing beyond the year funded. Collaborative project proposals are expected to describe plans for having the results of the research published.
-- ELIGIBILITY: Qualifications include: Project director must be a current AAR member who has been in good standing for the previous three years; Applicants will not be considered who have received an AAR Research Award in the previous five years; and Applicants must have completed the doctorate.
-- FUNDING: Awards range from $500 to $5000.
- Pentecostal and Charismatic Research Initiative (PCRI):
-- John Templeton Foundation and Center for Religion and Civic Culture at the University of Southern California
-- Grants for centers and individuals to conduct research in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the former Soviet Union