Opportunities for Ph.D. Students

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  • John Tracy Ellis Dissertation Award:

-- Sponsor: American Catholic Historical Association

-- SYNOPSIS: The award, which carries a prize of $1,200, memorializes the scholarship and teaching of Monsignor Ellis (1905-1992). Its purpose is to assist a graduate student working on some aspect of the history of the Catholic Church.

-- Deadline: 09/30/2009

-- Program URL: http://research.cua.edu/acha/prizes.cfm

-- OBJECTIVES: The sponsor provides an award to assist a graduate student working on some aspect of the history of the Catholic Church.

-- ELIGIBILITY: Those wishing to enter the competition for the award must be citizens or authorized residents (i.e., permanent residents or on student visas) of the United States or Canada, and must be enrolled in a doctoral program at a reception at a recognized institution of higher education.

  • Individual Research Grants - American Academy of Religion

-- SYNOPSIS: To fulfill its commitment to advance research in religion, the sponsor each year grants awards ranging from $500 to $5000 to support projects proposed by members of the sponsors organization and selected by the Research Grants Review Committee.

-- Deadline: 08/01/2009

-- Contact: Jessica Davenport

-- E-mail: jdavenport@aarweb.org

-- Web Site: http://www.aarweb.org

-- Program URL: http://www.aarweb.org/Programs/Grants/Research/individual.asp

-- OBJECTIVES: These grants provide support for important aspects of research such as travel to archives and libraries, research assistance, field work, and released time.

-- ELIGIBILITY: Qualifications include: Applicants must be current AAR members who have been in good standing for the previous three years; Applicants will not be considered who have received an AAR Research Award in the previous five years; and Applicants must have completed the doctorate.

-- FUNDING: Awards range from $500 to $5000.

  • Visiting Diversity Scholars:

-- A number of colleges and universities in the Northeast region are offering dissertation-writing stipends for 2009-10 ($24,000-$32,000). The host universities include: Colgate, Northeastern, Monmouth, and the Univ. of Rochester. The host colleges include: Allegheny and Middlebury. Successful applicants spend one year in residency as Visiting Diversity Scholars at the host campuses while they work on completion of their dissertations. Details can be found at http://www.diversityoncampus.com

-- New deadline for applications: Jan. 1, 2009.

-- The director of the Visiting Scholars Program, JoAnn Moody, PhD, JD, serves as a mentor-at-large to all Visiting Scholars. Questions should be directed to her at: joann.moody@earthlink.net

-- Note: Middlebury College recently announced the possibility of two years of support for each of its Visiting Scholars. Scholars may apply for a second year of residency, as either a continuing Dissertation Scholar or as a Post-Doctoral Scholar. In addition, Scholars may participate in Middlebury's new Center for the Comparative Study of Race and Ethnicity.

  • University of Toronto - Jewish Studies Program - Ray D. Wolfe Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowship:

-- Targeted Fields: Humanities. Social Sciences. Jewish Studies.

-- Open To Students Working on Doctoral Dissertation. Postdoctoral Scholars.

-- Citizenship: No citizenship requirements.

-- Eligibility Requirements: Predoctoral fellows must complete their thesis by the end of their term as fellows. Postdoctoral fellows should have completed their degree requirements within the last 3 years.

-- Stipend: Award amount is $40,000 (Canadian).

-- Deadline: 2/27/2009

-- Program Description: One fellowship given to complete thesis, prepare thesis for publication, work on research projects and to assist young scholars pursuing academic careers in an area of Jewish Studies. Fellows will spend the academic year at the University of Toronto where they will be expected to teach and deliver a public lecture.

-- For More Information: Jewish Studies Program, University of Toronto, 15 King's College Circle, Room 316, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3H7 Canada / (416) 978-8118 / jewish.studies@utoronto.ca / http://www.cjs.utoronto.ca/awards

  • Fichter Research Grant Competition:

-- Sponsor: Association for the Sociology of Religion

-- SYNOPSIS: Support is provided to scholars involved in promising research on women and religion, gender issues, and feminist perspectives on religion; or religion and poverty.

-- Deadline: 03/01/2009

-- Contact: Barbara J. Denison, POB 211, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 U.S.A.

-- E-mail: bjdeni@ship.edu

-- Program URL: http://www.sociologyofreligion.com/FICHEXLP2004.html

-- OBJECTIVES: Support is provided to scholars involved in promising research on women and religion, gender issues, and feminist perspectives on religion, or religion and poverty.

-- ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be members of the Association for the Sociology of Religion at the time of submission. Dissertation research qualifies for funding, and scholars at the beginning of their careers are particularly encouraged to apply.

-- FUNDING: For the 2009 competition, a total of $24,000 is available to be awarded.

  • Engaged Scholars Studying Congregations is a program of mentoring, networking, and research support, now seeking its fifth cohort of young scholars for participation and support during the 2009-2010 period. Full information can be found under SSSR News at http://www.sssrweb.org (Application deadline is Feb 1, 2009.)

  • Dissertation Fellowship Program:

-- Sponsor: McNeil Center for Early American Studies

--SYNOPSIS: The sponsor offers several pre-doctoral Dissertation Fellowships each year for a term of nine months, beginning September 1, 2009. Doctoral candidates from any PhD-granting institution who are in the dissertation research or writing stage are eligible to compete for these fellowships, which are open to scholars in any discipline for projects focusing on North America in the Atlantic world before 1850. While no teaching is required for most fellowships, all McNeil Center fellows are expected to be in residence during the academic year and to participate in the Center's program of seminars and other activities.

-- Deadline: 03/01/2009

-- Program URL: http://www.mceas.org/dissertationfellowships.htm

-- OBJECTIVES: Any project dealing with the histories and cultures of North America in the Atlantic world before 1850 will be considered. Proposals dependent on the use of Philadelphia-area archives and libraries are particularly welcome. Applications are encouraged from students of all relevant disciplines, including African American Studies, American Studies, Anthropology, Economics, Folklore, Gender Studies, History, Law, Literature, Music, Political Science, Religion, Urban Studies and Women's Studies.

-- ELIGIBILITY: Doctoral candidates from any PhD-granting institution who are in the research or writing stage of the dissertation are eligible to compete for these fellowships.

-- FUNDING: Each nine-month Dissertation Fellow will receive a stipend of $19,000, office space in the Center's magnificent new building on the University of Pennsylvania's historic campus and library, computer and other privileges at the University. Limited travel funds for research are also available.

  • Mellon Fellowship in the Humanities--Pre-Dissertation Fellowship Programme:

-- Sponsor: Institute of Historical Research

-- SYNOPSIS: The Institute of Historical Research offers fellowships funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for pre-dissertation research in the humanities using original sources. The purposes of this fellowship programme are to: help doctoral candidates in the humanities who may otherwise not have opportunities or encouragement to work with original source materials in the United Kingdom; help doctoral candidates in the humanities to deepen their ability to develop knowledge from original sources; provide insight from the viewpoint of doctoral candidates into how scholarly resources can be developed most helpfully in the future.

-- Deadline: 01/16/2009

-- Web Site: http://www.history.ac.uk/awards/

-- Program URL: http://www.history.ac.uk/awards/forms/info_for_apps.rtf

-- OBJECTIVES: Seven pre-dissertation fellowships in the humanities are offered to candidates, who wish to spend time in the U.K. for preliminary examinations of primary sources and archival material in order to draw up and refine a dissertation proposal. They are intended for the preliminary investigation of archives, and not for short-term research projects.

-- For purposes of this programme, eligible fields of the humanities will include: area studies; art history; classics; comparative literature; critical theory; cultural anthropology; cultural studies; economic history; ethnic studies; ethnomusicology; history; history of the book; history and philosophy of mathematics; history and philosophy of science and medicine; language and cultural linguistics; literature in any language; music history and theory; philosophy; political philosophy and theory; religion (exclusive of theological training for the ministry); rhetoric; women's studies; and interdisciplinary studies involving fields above.

-- ELIGIBILITY: These fellowships are open to candidates registered for a doctoral degree in a graduate school in the United States or Canada. Candidates for these awards must have completed their coursework and oral examinations by the time the research visit is undertaken.

-- FUNDING: Visits will be for a maximum of two months and must be made between the beginning of June and the end of September 2009. The total value of these fellowships will be $5,000 each. Fellowships will not be renewable or extendable. Fellows will be expected to devote full time to their dissertation research without undertaking paid work. Fellows may not use stipends to defray tuition costs.

  • Doctoral Fellowships:

-- Sponsor: Fund for Theological Education, Inc.

-- SYNOPSIS: The sponsor provides support and enhancement to the education of African American students entering a Ph.D. or Th.D. program in religious or theological studies. A stipend and attendance at a summer conference are awarded.

-- Deadline: 03/01/2009

-- Web Site: http://www.thefund.org/files/applications/2009_10_DoctoralAppUpdated.pdf

-- Program URL: http://www.thefund.org/programs/africanamerican_doctoral.phtml

-- OBJECTIVES: Doctoral Fellowships are for African-American students entering doctoral programs who aspire to teach and do research as faculty in theological schools. The goal of this program is to increase the number of African-American students pursuing graduate degrees in religion or theology.

-- ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be African Americans entering their first year of an accredited graduate program leading to a Ph.D. or Th.D. in religious or theological studies. Applicants must be United States citizens, and must be committed to becoming a leader within theological education and you must be giving strong consideration to teaching or conducting research in a theological school.

-- FUNDING: Fellows receive a stipend of up to $18,000 and a full tuition scholarship or remission from the recipient's institution as a condition of the fellowship. The Fellow may qualify to have the stipend renewed for a second year, depending on progress made toward the degree in the first year. Each Fellow also attends FTE's Doctoral Conference. Expenses for conference attendance are included as part of the fellowship award. Fellows also receive a travel stipend to attend the annual meetings of the American Academy of Religion and Society of Biblical Literature, as well as other professional development opportunities.

  • North American Doctoral Fellows Program:

-- Sponsor: Fund for Theological Education, Inc.

-- SYNOPSIS: This fellowship program provides support to talented students from racial and ethnic groups traditionally underrepresented in graduate education who are currently enrolled in Ph.D. or Th.D. programs in religion or theology. The fellowship provides financial assistance to outstanding candidates who might not otherwise have the means to complete their studies.

-- Deadline: 03/01/2009

-- Web Site: http://www.thefund.org/files/applications/2009_nad_fellows_app.pdf

-- Program URL: http://www.thefund.org/programs/racialethnic.phtml

-- OBJECTIVES: North American Doctoral Fellowships are for talented students from racial and ethnic groups traditionally underrepresented in graduate education who are currently enrolled in Ph.D. or Th.D. programs in religion or theology.

-- ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be a member of a racial or ethnic group that is traditionally underrepresented in graduate education. Applicants must be enrolled full-time in a Ph.D. or Th.D. program in religion or theology and must have a record of high academic performance. Applicants must be a U.S. or Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of either country, and must have demonstrated a commitment to teaching and scholarship and a capacity for leadership in theological education. Preference is given to students nearing the end of their studies.

-- FUNDING: Students chosen as North American Doctoral Fellows receive a stipend ranging from $5,000 to $10,000. FTE also provides Fellows with networking support, maintaining regular contact and acting as an advocate for them in the profession.

  • Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism: Research Travel Grants

-- Targeted Fields: Open to all fields.

-- Open To Prospective/Current Graduate Students. Students Working on Doctoral Dissertation. Postdoctoral Scholars.

-- No citizenship requirements.

-- Eligibility Requirements: Scholars must be engaged in projects related to the study of American Catholicism and indicate how the use of the Notre Dame library and achieves are pertinent to their study.

-- Stipend of $2,000 to defray travel and lodging costs.

-- Deadline: 12/31/2008

-- Program Description: Up to 9 or more grants are awarded annually to scholars of any academic discipline who are engaged in projects which require substantial use of the collection of the library and /or the archives of the University of Notre Dame.

-- For More Information: Director, Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism, University of Notre Dame, 1135 Flanner Hall Notre Dame, IN 46556-5611 / (574) 631-5441 / cushwa.1@nd.edu / http://www.nd.edu/~cushwa/grants/index.shtml

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