Opportunities for Ph.D. Students

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* '''[[Funding Opportunities by U.S. State]]'''
oN3Off This is one awesome blog article.Thanks Again. Want more.
* '''[[Focus on Christianity]]'''
* '''[[Focus on Judaism]]'''
* '''[[Area Studies Focus]]'''
* '''[[Gender Studies Focus]]'''
* '''[[For Students of Color]]'''
* '''American Political Science Association (APSA):''' http://www.apsanet.org/ has various funding opportunities.
* '''Social Science Research Council (SSRC):''' http://www.ssrc.org/ offers different fellowships and grants.
* A new RFP from Notre Dame (funded by Templeton) offers funding for research about generosity: http://generosityresearch.nd.edu
* '''Independent Institute - Sir John M. Templeton Fellowships Essay Contest:'''
-- Must be a college student 35 years of age or younger.
-- 1st prize: $2,500, 2nd prize: $1,500, 3rd prize: $1,000.
-- Deadline: 5/3/2010
-- Three awards are offered to outstanding college students through a competitive essay contest on the meaning and significance of economic and personal liberty. Essay topic changes yearly.
-- For More Information: Academic Affairs Director, The Independent Institute, 100 Swan Way, Oakland, CA 94621-1428 / (510) 632-1366
* '''Fredric M. Jablin Dissertation Award:''' http://jepson.richmond.edu/about/jda/index.html
-- Topics related to leadership
* * '''Visiting Research Fellowships:'''                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
-- Sponsor:          Centre for Studies in Religion and Society at the University of Victoria
-- SYNOPSIS: The sponsoring organization is providing two to five
fellowships for research terms of two to twelve months duration.  The
purpose of the fellowship is to provide research space and an
environment conducive to writing and reflection to scholars working on
research projects in the area of religion and society.
-- Deadline(s):      01/28/2011
-- Web Site: http://csrs.uvic.ca/Awardsandfellowships/visiting.php
-- OBJECTIVES: The sponsoring organization is providing a fellowship
which aims to promote the scholarly study of religion in relation to
any and all aspects of society and culture, both contemporary and
historical. Topics may include, but are not limited to, examinations
of religious themes within the areas of ethics, health, law,
environment, technology, government and public policy, human conflict,
art, literature, the media, and currents and debates in philosophy and
the natural sciences.
-- ELIGIBILITY: The sponsor's fellowship is open to Canadian and international
scholars; emeritus scholars; new scholars; and scholars on sabbatical
leave from their regular academic appointments.
-- FUNDING: The sponsor will provide private office space centrally located on
the scenic University campus; university privileges; enhanced
opportunities for research networking and exchange; and participation
in the organization's wide range of scholarly and social activities.
* '''Non-Stipendiary Visiting Research  Fellowships:'''                                                                                                                                                                                                             
-- Sponsor:          Centre for Studies in Religion & Society
-- SYNOPSIS: The sponsor invites applications from scholars in Canada or abroad
for visiting fellowship appointments of up to 12 months' duration
during the 2010/11 academic year.
-- Deadline(s):      01/31/2010
-- Contact: Dr. Paul Bramadat, Director, University of Victoria
-- Program URL: http://csrs.uvic.ca/programs/fellowships/visiting.php
-- OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the fellowship is to provide research space and an
environment conducive to writing and reflection to scholars working on
research projects in the area of religion and society. The sponsor welcomes applications from all disciplinary backgrounds
for projects that meet its mandate of promoting the scholarly study of
religion in relation to any and all aspects of society and culture,
both contemporary and historical. Topics may include, but are not
limited to, examinations of religious themes within the areas of
ethics, health, law, environment, technology, government and public
policy, human conflict, art, literature, the media, and currents and
debates in philosophy and the natural sciences.
-- ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants include: Canadian and international scholars;
emeritus scholars; new scholars; and scholars on sabbatical leave from
their regular academic appointments.
-- FUNDING: The fellowship includes office space. Two to five fellowships are
offered annually.
* '''Visiting Graduate Fellowships:'''                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
-- Sponsor:          Center for Philosophy of Religion at the University of Notre Dame
-- SYNOPSIS: Visiting Graduate Fellowships are awarded to philosophy graduate
students from other institutions who are working on dissertations in
the philosophy of religion. One fellowship is awarded annually.
-- Deadline(s):      02/01/2010
-- Program URL: http://www.nd.edu/~cprelig/apply/index.shtml
-- OBJECTIVES: The sponsor awards a fellowship to a philosophy graduate student at
another institution who is working on a dissertation in the philosophy
of religion and who would profit from spending a year at the
-- FUNDING: A stipend of $18,000 is provided. All Fellows will receive up to
$2,000 reimbursement for moving expenses, as well as up to $2,000 for
research-related expenses.
* '''Grants-in-Aid for Research at the Rockefeller Archive Center:'''                                                                                                                                                                                               
-- Sponsor:          Rockefeller Archive Center
-- SYNOPSIS: The sponsor offers grants to promote and support research in the
Rockefeller Archive Center.  These grants may be used towards
round-trip travel to the Center, for temporary lodging in the area,
and for related research expenses.
-- Deadline(s):      11/15/2009
-- Web Site: http://www.rockarch.org/
-- Program URL: http://www.rockarch.org/grants/generalgia.php
-- DEADLINE NOTE: Mailed applications must be postmarked by November 15. Applications
submitted via e-mail attachment must be submitted prior to midnight
Eastern Standard Time November 15.
-- OBJECTIVES: The travel and research grants are designed to foster, promote, and
support research by serious scholars in the collections located at the
Rockefeller Archive Center, which include the records of the
Rockefeller Family, The Rockefeller University, The Rockefeller
Foundation, and other philanthropies and associated individuals.
Major subjects researched at the Center include agriculture, the arts,
African-American history, education, international relations and
economic development, labor, medicine, philanthropy, politics,
population, religion, science, the social sciences, social welfare,
and women's history.
-- ELIGIBILITY: Application to the grant-in-aid program is open to U.S. citizens,
alien residents, and citizens of foreign countries, whose research
requires access to the Collections. 
-- FUNDING: The Rockefeller Archive Center's (RAC) competitive grant-in-aid
program provides awards for reimbursement of up to $5000 for certain
expenses related to research conducted at the RAC. The following
research-related expenses are reimbursable: long-distance travel (over
75 miles each way) between your residence and the RAC for one
consecutive research visit, up to a total reimbursable expenditure of
$1000 in this category; local transportation; temporary lodging (up to
a maximum of $2,500, not to exceed $250 per day); and meals (up to
$750, with a limit not to exceed $50 per day); and photocopying.
* '''Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships:'''                                                                                                                                                                                                     
-- Sponsor:          Wilson (Woodrow) National Fellowship Foundation
-- SYNOPSIS: The sponsor offers support for fellowships designed to encourage
original and significant study of ethical or religious values in all
fields of the humanities and social sciences.
-- Deadline(s):      11/15/2009
-- Program URL: http://www.woodrow.org/fellowships/religion_ethics/index.php
-- Tel:              609-452-7007x310           
-- OBJECTIVES: Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships are
designed to encourage original and significant study of ethical or
religious values in all fields of the humanities and social sciences.
In addition to topics in religious studies or in ethics (philosophical
or religious), dissertations might consider the ethical implications
of foreign policy, the values influencing political decisions, the
moral codes of other cultures, and religious or ethical issues
reflected in history or literature.
-- ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be candidates for Ph.D. or Th.D. degrees in
doctoral programs at graduate schools in the United States.  These
awards are made to Ph.D candidates who are in the writing stage of the
dissertation.  Usually, this means that fieldwork or other research is
complete and writing has begun by the time of the award.  Eligible
proposals are those that have ethical or religious values as a central
-- FUNDING: Winners will receive $25,000 for twelve months of full-time
dissertation writing.  Up to twenty non-renewable fellowships will be
awarded.  Graduate schools will be asked to waive tuition and/or remit
some portion of their fees some for Newcombe Fellows.
* '''Jacob K. Javits Fellowship Program:'''
-- Sponsor: Office of Postsecondary Education/Department of Education
-- SYNOPSIS: The sponsor supports fellowships for eligible students of superior
ability, selected on the basis of demonstrated achievement, financial
need, and exceptional promise, to undertake graduate study in selected
fields in the arts, humanities, and social sciences leading to a
doctoral degree or to a master's degree in those fields in which the
master's degree is the terminal highest degree awarded in the selected
field of study at accredited institutions of higher education.
-- Deadline(s): 10/05/2009, 01/31/2010
-- E-mail: ope_javits_program@ed.gov
-- Web Site: http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2009/E9-20177.htm
-- DEADLINE NOTE: The deadlines are October 5, 2009 for the JKJ Fellowship Program,
and  January 31, 2010 for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
-- OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the Jacob K. Javits (JKJ) Fellowship Program is to
award fellowships to eligible students of superior ability, selected
on the basis of demonstrated achievement, financial need, and
exceptional promise, to undertake graduate study in selected fields in
the arts, humanities, and social sciences leading to a doctoral degree
or to a master's degree in those fields in which the master's degree
is the terminal highest degree awarded in the selected field of study
at accredited institutions of higher education.
-- The selected fields in the arts are: creative writing, music
performance, music theory, music composition, music literature, studio
arts (including photography), television, film, cinematography,
arts, playwriting, screenwriting, acting, and dance.
-- The selected fields in the humanities are: art history (including
architectural history), archeology, area studies, classics,
comparative literature, English language and literature, folklore,
folk life, foreign languages and literature, history, linguistics,
philosophy, religion (excluding study of religious vocation), speech,
rhetoric, and debate.
-- The selected fields in the social sciences are: anthropology,
communications and media, economics, ethnic and cultural studies,
geography, political science, psychology (excluding clinical
psychology), public policy and public administration, and sociology
(excluding the master's and doctoral degrees in social work).
-- ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants are individuals who, at the time of
application: are eligible to receive a Federal grant, loan or work
assistance pursuant to section 484 of the Higher Education Act of
as amended (HEA); intend to pursue a doctoral or Master of Fine Arts
degree in an eligible field of study selected by the Board at an
accredited U.S. institution of higher education; and are a U.S.
or national, a permanent resident of the United States, in the United
States for other than a temporary purpose and intending to become a
permanent resident, or a citizen of any one of the Freely Associated
States. Applicants must also either: be entering into a doctoral
program in academic year 2010-2011, or have not yet completed the
full year in the doctoral program, in an eligible field of study for
which they are seeking support; or be entering a Master of Fine Arts
program in academic year 2010-2011, or have not yet completed the
full year in the Master of Fine Arts program, in an eligible field of
study for which they are seeking support.
-- FUNDING: It is estimated that a total of $1,181,385 in total funding will be
available.  The project period is up to 48 months.  The sponsor
estimates that twenty-seven awards averaging $43,755 will be made.
-- Source: Federal Register: (08/21/09), Vol. 74, No. 161, pp.
* '''Calihan Academic Fellowship Program:'''
-- Sponsor:          Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty
-- SYNOPSIS: The Calihan Academic Fellowships provide scholarships and research
grants to future scholars and religious leaders whose academic work
shows outstanding potential.
-- Deadline(s):      10/31/2009
-- Web Site: http://www.acton.org/
-- Program URL: http://www.acton.org/programs/students/calihan_academic_scholarship.php
-- DEADLINE NOTE: The deadline for Fall semester fellowships is July 15, 2009.  The
deadline for Spring semester fellowships is October 31, 2009.
-- OBJECTIVES: The Calihan Academic Fellowships provide scholarships and research
grants to future scholars and religious leaders whose academic work
shows outstanding potential. Applicants studying theology, philosophy,
economics, or related fields must demonstrate the potential to advance
understanding in the relationship between theology and the principles
of the free and virtuous society. Such principles include recognition
of human dignity, the importance of the rule of law, limited
government, religious liberty, and freedom in economic life.
-- ELIGIBILITY: Seminarians and graduate students in theology, philosophy,
religion, economics, or related fields are eligible to apply.
-- FUNDING: Fellowhips and grants do not exceed $3,000. Fellowships are not
renewable but recipients are eligible to reapply.
* '''Calihan Travel Grant:'''
-- Sponsor:          Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty
-- SYNOPSIS: The sponsor provides travel grants of up to $3,000 to students who
have been selected to present, at an academic conference, research
that is relevant to themes promoted by the sponsor.  Awards are also
open to students who need to travel to, and perform research at,
archives or libraries or to attend enducational conferences that
involve sponsor promoted themes.
-- Web Site: http://www.acton.org
-- Program URL: http://www.acton.org/programs/students/calihan_travel.php
-- DEADLINE NOTE: The Travel Grant selection process is ongoing. The online application
should be in English and be received at least six weeks before the
proposed travel.
-- OBJECTIVES: The sponsor provides travel grants to students who have been
selected to present, at an academic conference, research relevant to
themes promoted by the sponsor. Such themes include the integration of
theological ideas with principles of limited government, rule of law,
religious freedom, and economic liberty. Awards are also open to
students who need to travel to, and perform research at, archives or
libraries or to attend educational conferences that involve sponsor
promoted themes.
-- ELIGIBILITY: Grants are open to seminarians or graduate students in theology,
philosophy, religion, economics, or related fields.  Candidates must
have a demonstrated interest in the themes of the sponsor, and must
display the potential to contribute to the advancement of a free and
virtuous society. 
-- FUNDING: Travel grants do not exceed $3,000. Grant amounts take into
account the costs of travel, lodging, registration, and other
associated conference or research expenses. Other sources of funding
are also considered.  Travel grants are not renewable but recipients
are eligible to reapply.
* '''Novak Award:'''                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
-- Sponsor:          Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty
-- SYNOPSIS: This $10,000 award rewards new outstanding scholarly research into
the relationship between religion, economic freedom, and the free and
virtuous society.
-- Deadline(s):      11/01/2009
-- Web Site: http://www.acton.org/
-- Program URL: http://www.acton.org/programs/students/novak.php
-- DEADLINE NOTE: Professors, university faculty members, and other scholars may
nominate qualified individuals for the Novak Award by completing the
online nomination form.  Nominations must be received by November 1,
2009.  Those scholars nominated for the Novak Award will be contacted
via email and asked to submit an application.  The application
deadline is December 1, 2009.
-- OBJECTIVES: This award recognizes those scholars early in their academic career
who demonstrate outstanding intellectual merit in advancing the
understanding of theology's connection to human dignity, the
importance of the rule of law, limited government, religious liberty,
and freedom in economic life.
-- ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants include scholars who have received a doctorate
from an accredited domestic or international program in the previous
five calendar years. Current doctoral candidates in the process of
completing their dissertations are also eligible. Nominees must be
studying theology, religion, economics, philosophy, business, or a
related field.
-- FUNDING: The recipient of the Novak Award will present his or her research
in a public forum known as the Calihan Lecture.  Travel expenses for
the recipient to and from the Lecture will be provided in addition to
the $10,000 award.
* '''Visiting Residential Fellowships -  Kellogg (Helen) Institute for International Studies:'''
-- SYNOPSIS: The sponsor offers residential Visiting Fellowships for the 2010-11 academic year which are designed to provide applicants with the time and space to work on research, while interacting with leading scholars.  The sponsor offers numerous opportunities to explore the work of noted scholars through seminars, conferences, and roundtable discussions.
-- Deadline(s):      11/02/2009
-- Program URL: http://kellogg.nd.edu/vfellowships/index.shtml
-- OBJECTIVES: The sponsor focuses on the following research themes: democratization and the quality of democracy; growth and development in the global economy; religion, society and its influence on political, social, and cultural change; public policies for social justice; and social movements and organized civil society.
-- ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants may come from any country.  Applications will be accepted from candidates who hold a PhD or equivalent degree in a social science discipline or in history (exceptions made), distinguished senior candidates who do not hold a PhD, and advanced graduate students who will complete their PhD before beginning the fellowship. 
-- FUNDING: Visitors reside in the Hesburgh Center, which offers spacious and modern offices, state of the art computer equipment, on-site information technology support, wireless Internet access, and personal library services through a brand of the University's library. Affordable, furnished one and two-bedroom apartments located on-premises at the Hesburgh Center are also available to Visiting Fellows.
* '''John Tracy Ellis Dissertation Award:'''
-- Sponsor: American Catholic Historical Association
-- SYNOPSIS: The award, which carries a prize of $1,200, memorializes the scholarship and teaching of Monsignor Ellis (1905-1992). Its purpose is to assist a graduate student working on some aspect of the history of the Catholic Church.
-- Deadline: 09/30/2009
-- Program URL: http://research.cua.edu/acha/prizes.cfm
-- OBJECTIVES: The sponsor provides an award to assist a graduate student working on some aspect of the history of the Catholic Church.
-- ELIGIBILITY: Those wishing to enter the competition for the award must be citizens or authorized residents (i.e., permanent residents or on student visas) of the United States or Canada, and must be enrolled in a doctoral program at a reception at a recognized institution of higher education.
* '''Individual Research Grants - American Academy of Religion'''
-- SYNOPSIS: To fulfill its commitment to advance research in religion, the sponsor each year grants awards ranging from $500 to $5000 to support projects proposed by members of the sponsors organization and selected by the Research Grants Review Committee.
-- Deadline:      08/01/2009
-- Contact:          Jessica Davenport                                                                                 
-- E-mail:          jdavenport@aarweb.org
-- Web Site: http://www.aarweb.org
-- Program URL: http://www.aarweb.org/Programs/Grants/Research/individual.asp
-- OBJECTIVES: These grants provide support for important aspects of research such as travel to archives and libraries, research assistance, field work, and released time.
-- ELIGIBILITY: Qualifications include: Applicants must be current AAR members who have been in good standing for the previous three years; Applicants will not be considered who have received an AAR Research Award in the previous five years; and Applicants must have completed the doctorate.
-- FUNDING: Awards range from $500 to $5000.
* '''Dorothy Mohler Research Grants:'''
-- Sponsor:          American Catholic History Research Center & University Archives
-- SYNOPSIS: The Dorothy Mohler Research Grants help defray research and travel costs for those using the collections at the American Catholic History Research Center and University Archives at The Catholic University of America (ACUA).
-- Deadline(s):      10/30/2009
-- Contact:          Dr. Maria Mazzenga (mazzenga@cua.edu)
-- Program URL: http://libraries.cua.edu/achrcua/Mohler.html
-- OBJECTIVES: The Dorothy Mohler Research Grants help defray research and travel costs for those using the collections at the American Catholic History Research Center and University Archives at The Catholic University of America (ACUA). The American Catholic History Research Center and University Archives is one of the premier research facilities for the study of American Catholicism. Its 9,000 linear feet holdings include manuscript materials, ephemera, photographs, audio, and moving images. The collection is especially rich in American Catholic social welfare organizations and American Catholic social theory. It also includes substantial and important holdings documenting American labor history and The Catholic University of America.
-- ELIGIBILITY: University faculty, graduate students, post-doctoral students, independent scholars and documentarians who are involved in a research project that requires substantial use of the collections at The American Catholic History Research Center and University Archives are eligible to apply. Doctoral students are strongly encouraged to apply.
-- FUNDING: The sponsor will award up to three Dorothy Mohler Grants per year. At least one of the grants each year is reserved for a doctoral student. The grants will be up to $500.
* '''Visiting Diversity Scholars:'''
-- A number of colleges and universities in the Northeast region are offering dissertation-writing stipends for 2009-10 ($24,000-$32,000).  The host universities include: Colgate, Northeastern, Monmouth, and the Univ. of Rochester. The host colleges include: Allegheny and Middlebury. Successful applicants spend one year in residency as Visiting Diversity Scholars at the host campuses while they work on completion of their dissertations. Details can be found at http://www.diversityoncampus.com   
-- New deadline for applications: Jan. 1, 2009.   
-- The director of the Visiting Scholars Program, JoAnn Moody, PhD, JD, serves as a mentor-at-large to all Visiting Scholars. Questions should be directed to her at:  joann.moody@earthlink.net
-- Note: Middlebury College recently announced the possibility of two years of support for each of its Visiting Scholars. Scholars may apply for a second year of residency, as either a continuing Dissertation Scholar or as a Post-Doctoral Scholar. In addition, Scholars may participate in Middlebury's new Center for the Comparative Study of Race and Ethnicity.
* '''Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers Fellowships Program'''
-- Sponsor: New York Public Library
-- SYNOPSIS: The sponsor's Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers provides support for an international fellowship program for people whose work will benefit directly from access to the collections at the Humanities and Social Sciences Library academics, independent scholars, journalists, novelists, poets, playwrights, and scientists and lawyers engaged with the humanities.
-- Deadline: 09/25/2009
-- Web Site: http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/scholars/index.html
-- Program URL: http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/scholars/application2009package.pdf
-- OBJECTIVES: The sponsor awards fellowships to outstanding scholars and writers whose projects require access to the collections at the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building (formerly the Humanities and Social Sciences Library).  The Cullman Center looks for top-quality writing from academics as well as from creative writers and independent scholars, and aims aim to promote dynamic communication about literature and scholarship at the very highest level within the Center, in public forums throughout the Library, and in the Fellows' published work. Renowned for the extraordinary comprehensiveness of its collections, the Library is one of the world's preeminent resources for study in anthropology, art, geography, history, languages and literature, philosophy, politics, popular culture, psychology, religion, sociology, and sports.
-- ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants are outstanding scholars and writers, academics, independent scholars, journalists, and creative writers. Foreign nationals conversant in English are welcome to apply.
-- FUNDING: Up to fifteen fellowships are awarded.  A Cullman Center Fellow receives a stipend of up to $60,000, an office, a computer, and full access to the Library's physical and electronic resources. Fellows work at the Center for the duration of the fellowship term, which runs from September through May. Each Fellow gives a talk over lunch on current work-in-progress to the other Fellows and to a wide range of invited guests, and may be asked to take part in other programs at The New York Public Library.
* '''Fichter Research Grant Competition:'''
-- Sponsor: Association for the Sociology of Religion
-- SYNOPSIS: Support is provided to scholars involved in promising research on women and religion, gender issues, and feminist perspectives on religion; or religion and poverty.
-- Deadline: 03/01/2009
-- Contact: Barbara J. Denison, POB 211, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 U.S.A.                               
-- E-mail: bjdeni@ship.edu
-- Program URL: http://www.sociologyofreligion.com/FICHEXLP2004.html
-- OBJECTIVES: Support is provided to scholars involved in promising research on women and religion, gender issues, and feminist perspectives on religion, or religion and poverty.
-- ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be members of the Association for the Sociology of Religion at the time of submission.  Dissertation research qualifies for funding, and scholars at the beginning of their careers are particularly encouraged to apply.
-- FUNDING: For the 2009 competition, a total of $24,000 is available to be awarded.
* '''Engaged Scholars Studying Congregations''' is a program of mentoring, networking, and research support, now seeking its fifth cohort of young scholars for participation and support during the 2009-2010 period.  Full information can be found under SSSR News at http://www.sssrweb.org  (Application deadline is Feb 1, 2009.)
* '''Calvin College''' announces several Summer Seminars in Christian Scholarship: http://www.calvin.edu/scs/
* '''Dissertation Fellowship Program:'''
-- Sponsor: McNeil Center for Early American Studies
--SYNOPSIS: The sponsor offers several pre-doctoral Dissertation Fellowships
each year for a term of nine months, beginning September 1, 2009.
Doctoral candidates from any PhD-granting institution who are in the
dissertation research or writing stage are eligible to compete for
these fellowships, which are open to scholars in any discipline for
projects focusing on North America in the Atlantic world before 1850.
While no teaching is required for most fellowships, all McNeil Center
fellows are expected to be in residence during the academic year and
to participate in the Center's program of seminars and other
-- Deadline:      03/01/2009
-- Program URL: http://www.mceas.org/dissertationfellowships.htm
-- OBJECTIVES: Any project dealing with the histories and cultures of North
America in the Atlantic world before 1850 will be considered.
Proposals dependent on the use of Philadelphia-area archives and
libraries are particularly welcome.  Applications are encouraged from
students of all relevant disciplines, including African American
Studies, American Studies, Anthropology, Economics, Folklore, Gender
Studies, History, Law, Literature, Music, Political Science, Religion,
Urban Studies and Women's Studies.
-- ELIGIBILITY: Doctoral candidates from any PhD-granting institution who are in
the research or writing stage of the dissertation are eligible to
compete for these fellowships.
-- FUNDING: Each nine-month Dissertation Fellow will receive a stipend of
$19,000, office space in the Center's magnificent new building on the
University of Pennsylvania's historic campus and library, computer and
other privileges at the University.  Limited travel funds for research
are also available.
* '''The Lake Family Institute of the Indiana University Center on Philanthropy''' is offering a $22,000 dissertation fellowship annually.  For more info please see http://www.philanthropy.iupui.edu/LakeFamilyInstitute/offerings.aspx
* '''Mellon Fellowship in the Humanities--Pre-Dissertation Fellowship Programme:'''
-- Sponsor: Institute of Historical Research
-- SYNOPSIS: The Institute of Historical Research offers fellowships funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for pre-dissertation research in the humanities using original sources. The purposes of this fellowship programme are to: help doctoral candidates in the humanities who may otherwise not have opportunities or encouragement to work with original source materials in the United Kingdom; help doctoral candidates in the humanities to deepen their ability to develop knowledge from original sources; provide insight from the viewpoint of doctoral candidates into how scholarly resources can be developed most helpfully in the future.
-- Deadline: 01/16/2009
-- Web Site: http://www.history.ac.uk/awards/
-- Program URL: http://www.history.ac.uk/awards/forms/info_for_apps.rtf
-- OBJECTIVES: Seven pre-dissertation fellowships in the humanities are offered to candidates, who wish to spend time in the U.K. for preliminary examinations of primary sources and archival material in order to draw up and refine a dissertation proposal. They are intended for the preliminary investigation of archives, and not for short-term research projects.
-- For purposes of this programme, eligible fields of the humanities will include: area studies; art history; classics; comparative literature; critical theory; cultural anthropology; cultural studies; economic history; ethnic studies; ethnomusicology; history; history of the book; history and philosophy of mathematics; history and philosophy of science and medicine; language and cultural linguistics; literature in any language; music history and theory; philosophy; political philosophy and theory; religion (exclusive of theological training for the ministry); rhetoric; women's studies; and interdisciplinary studies involving fields above.
-- ELIGIBILITY: These fellowships are open to candidates registered for a doctoral degree in a graduate school in the United States or Canada. Candidates for these awards must have completed their coursework and oral examinations by the time the research visit is undertaken.
-- FUNDING: Visits will be for a maximum of two months and must be made between the beginning of June and the end of September 2009. The total value of these fellowships will be $5,000 each. Fellowships will not be renewable or extendable. Fellows will be expected to devote full time to their dissertation research without undertaking paid work. Fellows may not use stipends to defray tuition costs.
* '''Doctoral Fellowships:'''
-- Sponsor: Fund for Theological Education, Inc.
-- SYNOPSIS: The sponsor provides support and enhancement to the education of African American students entering a Ph.D. or Th.D. program in religious or theological studies.  A stipend and attendance at a summer conference are awarded.
-- Deadline: 03/01/2009
-- Web Site: http://www.thefund.org/files/applications/2009_10_DoctoralAppUpdated.pdf
-- Program URL: http://www.thefund.org/programs/africanamerican_doctoral.phtml
-- OBJECTIVES: Doctoral Fellowships are for African-American students entering doctoral programs who aspire to teach and do research as faculty in theological schools. The goal of this program is to increase the number of African-American students pursuing graduate degrees in religion or theology.
-- ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be African Americans entering their first year of an accredited graduate program leading to a Ph.D. or Th.D. in religious or theological studies. Applicants must be United States citizens, and must be committed to becoming a leader within theological education and you must be giving strong consideration to teaching or conducting research in a theological school.
-- FUNDING: Fellows receive a stipend of up to $18,000 and a full tuition scholarship or remission from the recipient's institution as a condition of the fellowship. The Fellow may qualify to have the stipend renewed for a second year, depending on progress made toward the degree in the first year. Each Fellow also attends FTE's Doctoral Conference. Expenses for conference attendance are included as part of the fellowship award. Fellows also receive a travel stipend to attend the annual meetings of the American Academy of Religion and Society of Biblical Literature, as well as other professional development opportunities.
* '''North American Doctoral Fellows Program:'''
-- Sponsor: Fund for Theological Education, Inc.
-- SYNOPSIS: This fellowship program provides support to talented students from racial and ethnic groups traditionally underrepresented in graduate education who are currently enrolled in Ph.D. or Th.D. programs in religion or theology. The fellowship provides financial assistance to outstanding candidates who might not otherwise have the means to complete their studies.
-- Deadline: 03/01/2009
-- Web Site: http://www.thefund.org/files/applications/2009_nad_fellows_app.pdf
-- Program URL: http://www.thefund.org/programs/racialethnic.phtml
-- OBJECTIVES: North American Doctoral Fellowships are for talented students from racial and ethnic groups traditionally underrepresented in graduate education who are currently enrolled in Ph.D. or Th.D. programs in religion or theology.
-- ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be a member of a racial or ethnic group that is traditionally underrepresented in graduate education. Applicants must be enrolled full-time in a Ph.D. or Th.D. program in religion or theology and must have a record of high academic performance. Applicants must be a U.S. or Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of either country, and  must have demonstrated a commitment to teaching and scholarship and a capacity for leadership in theological education. Preference is given to students nearing the end of their studies.
-- FUNDING: Students chosen as North American Doctoral Fellows receive a stipend ranging from $5,000 to $10,000. FTE also provides Fellows with networking support, maintaining regular contact and acting as an advocate for them in the profession.
* '''Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism: Research Travel Grants'''
-- Targeted Fields: Open to all fields.
-- Open To Prospective/Current Graduate Students. Students Working on Doctoral Dissertation. Postdoctoral Scholars.
-- No citizenship requirements.
-- Eligibility Requirements: Scholars must be engaged in projects related to the study of American Catholicism and indicate how the use of the Notre Dame library and achieves are pertinent to their study.
-- Stipend of $2,000 to defray travel and lodging costs.
-- Deadline: 12/31/2008
-- Program Description: Up to 9 or more grants are awarded annually to scholars of any academic discipline who are engaged in projects which require substantial use of the collection of the library and /or the archives of the University of Notre Dame.
-- For More Information: Director, Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism, University of Notre Dame, 1135 Flanner Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556-5611 / (574) 631-5441 / cushwa.1@nd.edu / http://www.nd.edu/~cushwa/grants/index.shtml
* '''Mellon Fellowships for Dissertation Research'''                                                                                                                                                                                                               
-- Sponsor:          Council on Library and Information Resources
-- SYNOPSIS: The sponsor provides support to doctoral candidates for
dissertation research in the humanities in original sources. A monthly
stipend is provided.
-- Deadline(s):      11/13/2009
-- Program URL: http://www.clir.org/fellowships/mellon/mellon.html#info
-- OBJECTIVES: The purposes of this fellowship program are to: help junior
scholars in the humanities and related social-science fields gain
skill and creativity in developing knowledge from original sources;
enable dissertation writers to do research wherever relevant sources
may be, rather than just where financial support is available;
encourage more extensive and innovative uses of original sources in
libraries, archives, museums, historical societies, and related
repositories in the U.S. and abroad; and provide insight from the
viewpoint of doctoral candidates into how scholarly resources can be
developed for access most helpfully in the future.
For purposes of this program, eligible fields of the humanities and
related elements of the social sciences will include: area studies,
art history, classics, comparative literature, critical theory,
cultural anthropology, cultural studies, economic history, ethnic
studies, ethnomusicology, history, history and philosophy of
mathematics, history and philosophy of science and medicine, language
and cultural linguistics, literature (in any language), music history,
philosophy, political theory, religion (exclusive of theological
training for the ministry), rhetoric, women's studies, and
interdisciplinary studies involving the above fields.
-- ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants will: be enrolled in a doctoral program in a
graduate school in the United States (master's thesis research is not
eligible); complete all doctoral requirements except the dissertation
and be ready to start research for it as early as June 1 and no later
than September 1, 2010, with approval of the dissertation proposal six
months before the starting date; plan to do dissertation research
primarily in original source material in the holdings of archives,
libraries, historical societies, museums, related repositories, or a
combination; and write the dissertation and receive the Ph.D. degree
in a field of the humanities or in a related element of the social
sciences (candidates for the Ed.D, J.D., or D.D. degrees are not
eligible).  An applicant may be of any nationality but must be
enrolled in a U.S. graduate school and be studying here, not on a
campus abroad even if operated by a U.S. institution. The proposed
research, however, may be conducted at a single or multiple sites
abroad, in the U.S., or both. Any relevant repository may be used,
including government archives and private collections accessible to
the applicant. Students may apply even if they have started
dissertation research or done some writing, but CLIR's awards may be
used only for original source research that applicants still need to
-- FUNDING: The program offers about 15 competitively awarded fellowships for
2010. Each provides a stipend of $2,000 per month for 9–12 months.
Each fellow will receive an additional 1000 upon participating in a
symposium on research in original sources and submitting an acceptable
report to CLIR on the research experience. Thus the maximum award will
be $25,000. Fellows may use stipends to meet living expenses, travel
costs, and other expenses that enable dissertation research to be
carried out, but not to defray tuition.
* '''Saint Deiniol's Library Scholarship Programmes:'''                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
-- SYNOPSIS: The sponsor provides a number of awards, each covering the full
costs of accommodation, full board and use of the library.  They are
awarded from a week to several months and are open to all
-- Deadline(s):      11/01/2009
-- Program URL: http://www.st-deiniols.co.uk/Scholarships.htm
-- OBJECTIVES: The sponsor offers the following scholarships in various areas:
Canon Symonds Memorial Scholarship: is awarded to those studying in
the field of Christian Liturgy, Biblical Studies or Church
Bishop J.R.H. Moorman Scholarship: these awards are intended
primarily for those intending to do research on St Francis of Assisi
or the Franciscan Order where access to the Moorman Franciscan Library
would prove beneficial.
Rev. Dr. Murray McGregor Memorial Fund: this award is made in the
field of religious studies.  First consideration will be given to
applications from graduates, post-graduate students and members of
academic staff of the University of Edinburgh and thereafter from
other Scottish universities.
Tom Jarman Scholarship: is, in the first instance for students and
graduates of Bristol University, Wesley College Bristol, Bristol
Baptist College and students of the Open University.
Rev. Canon Dr. Stewart Lawton Memorial Scholarship: is awarded for
the purpose of research into the Liberal Catholic Tradition in
Anglicanism, the Interaction of Science and Religion, and European
Philosophical Theology.
Drew Scholarship: is awarded in the first instance for research
into aspects of the life of William Ewart Gladstone.
Dr. Daisy Ronco Scholarship: is awarded for research into
Nineteenth Century Studies.
Richard L. Hills Scholarship: awarded for research into theology
and science/technology.
Ernest Walder Memorial Schoalrship: awarded for research into any
aspect of Divine Learning.
Gladstone Bulgarian Scholarship: awarded to scholars from
General Scholarship Fund: supports research into the arts and
Monad Scholarship Fund: supports research into issues of
inclusivity/exclusion in church and society.
-- ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants are researchers of theology, religious studies,
biblical studies, the arts and humanities.  They may be
undergraduates, graduates or academic staff.
-- FUNDING: Scholarships cover the use of the Library and the cost of dinner,
bed and breakfast at St Deiniol's.  They may be awarded for any
period from a week to several months.  A one-off administration fee of
£30 is charged once a scholarship booking has been accepted and the
dates confirmed.
* '''Bache Renshaw Fellowship for Doctoral Study in Education:'''                                                                                                                                                                                                   
-- Sponsor:          Intercollegiate Studies Institute
-- SYNOPSIS: The Bache Renshaw Fellowship awards each recipient $12,000 toward
doctoral study in education that will influence the discipline with
the ideas, values, and institutions that are fundamental to America's
Western tradition.
-- Deadline(s):      01/16/2010
-- Web Site: http://www.isi.org/programs/fellowships/bache_renshaw.html
-- Program URL: http://www.isi.org/about/misc_forms/fellowshipapp.pdf
-- OBJECTIVES: Applicants should have a desire to cultivate their educational
knowledge and abilities in order to understand their patrimony and
pass it on to their students. Successful candidates will intend to
pursue doctoral study so that they may: Teach future teachers; Shape
and influence curricula; and Contribute to the larger dialogue on
pedagogy by writing and lecturing on educational issues.
-- ELIGIBILITY: In order to qualify for ISI graduate fellowships, applicants must
engage in graduate studies for the purpose of teaching at the college
level. Those attending pre-professional (medical, law) schools are
ineligible. Applicants must be U.S. citizens and college seniors or
graduate students who are familiar with ISI's purposes and programs
and who receive The Intercollegiate Review. Applicants may apply for
more than one fellowship, but an applicant may receive only one ISI
fellowship during his academic career.
-- FUNDING: The award is $12,000.

Revision as of 16:43, 8 March 2012

oN3Off This is one awesome blog article.Thanks Again. Want more.

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