Streak Plate

From Protists

  1. To make a streak plate, get the following items out of the 4C walk-in fridge and take them under the hood:
    1. Uninoculated Kpn Plates
    2. A plate inoculated with the bacteria to be streaked
  2. Take the inoculation loop from the graduated cylinder containing ethnol under the hood.
  3. Flame the loop until it is orange. Continue flaming the wire until you reach the handle.
  4. Allow the loop to cool for 5 secs.
  5. Grab your bacterial plate with one hand. The loop should be in the other.
  6. Swipe a colony of the bacteria with your loop. immediately replace the bacterial plate upside-down into its plate cover.
  7. Grab the uninoculated plate with your other hand and touch the loop to the plate close to the side of the plate.
  8. Streak the loop back and forth in a 1 inch x 1 inch area of the plate.
  9. Flame the loop again and allow it to cool.
  10. From one corner of where you have already streaked, drag the loop along the surface of the plate away from the center of the plate. Repeat this in the same general are 2 more times. You should be dragging a small portion of what you previously streaked in step 8 for each new streak.
  11. Flame the loop again, allow it to cool, and repeat this same sort of streak 3 times (away from the center of the plate) from the area that you've just streaked. You should be dragging a small portion of what you previously streaked in step 10 for each new streak.
  12. Flame the loop again and allow it to cool.
  13. Drag the loop 3 times (away from the center of the plate) from the 3 streaks in step 11 in a non-overlapping zig-zag pattern. None of these streaks should tounch the original streaks in step 8.
  14. Flame the loop again, allow it to cool, and place it back in the graduated cylinder containing ethanol under the hood.
  15. Put the newly inoculated plate upside-down in its plate cover.
  16. Label the plate on the bottom around the circumference with the 3-Letter Code of the bacteria, your initials, and the date.
  17. Place the original bacterial plate back in the 4C Walk-in fridge agar side up in its proper place.
  18. Place the newly inoculated plate in incubator 5 (bottom shelf for Ear (30C), top shelf for Kpn (37C)) agar side up. Allow it to grow overnight and then put it in the 4C walk-in fridge (agarside up) in its proper place.
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