Rack Maintenance Instructions
From Protists
Checking Tubes
- Each set of 4 tubes are the same organism and the date they were created is on each tube
- Note: Tube caps are on loose so before you check them tighten the caps and when you are done be sure to loosen them again
- Take the tubes to the microscope and be sure to check all depths (up and down)
- Give the tube a rating - xxxx = very happy and x = alive but not doing well
- Watch for contamination and if you find any indicate it on the tube
Be sure you update the notebook and the wiki
Making Labels
- The files with the labels are on the PC at the front desks
- The bottom date is the date the tube was created
- The top date is the date of the original tube (where the tube was created from)
- The bottom date of the tube you are making a new tube from will be the top date on the new tube and today's date will be the bottom date on the new tube
- When using the printer in Mark's office the top left hand corner of the label sheet goes facedown in the bottom left of the printer drawer - when in doubt print a test sheet
Making New Tubes
- Put labels on new tubes (the label says which media you will be using)
- Take half the liquid from the tube and put it into the new tube and then bring both tubes to 'full' with fresh media
- Tube should be about half full with liquid
- Don't forget to loosen cap before you put back in incubator
- Toss out the worst tube from the rack and replace it with the new tube you just made
Making a Tube from a Flask
- Fill the tube with about half from the flask and then half with fresh media
- Just like making a new tube from a tube
- Indicate on the tube the date of the flask and if it was a large or small flask
- Always double check which media you will need