RPS Media

From Protists

RPS Vitamin Solution

  • Make the following solution:
Biotin 0.125g
Vit B12 0.125g
Thiamine HCl 0.025g
dH2O 250ml

Biotin and Vit B12 in drawer in 4C. Thiamine HCl in -20C in door.

  • Mix thoroughly.
  • Aliquot 10mL into 1mL aliquots in microcentrifuge tubes.
  • Label all tubes with "RPSv" for RPS vitamin stock.
  • Store at -20C in "Tina's Box".
  • Label the rest of the original bottle "RPS Vitamin Stock" with the date and your initials.
  • Store the rest of the stock at -20C in the door.

RPS Metal Working Stock

  • Make the following solution:
Metal f/2 metal solution conc Amount
Na2EDTA.2H2O 2.180g/500mL 500uL
FeCl3.6H2O 1.575g/500mL 500uL
CuSO4.5H2O 9.8g/L 500uL
ZnSO4.7H2O 22g/L 500uL
CoCl2.6H2O 10g/L 500uL
MnCl2.4H2O 180g/L 50uL
NaMoO4.2H2O 12.6g/L 500uL
dH2O -- to 500mL total volume

All f/2 metal stocks in 4C walk-in.

  • Mix thoroughly.
  • Label "RPS Metal Working Stock".
  • Store in 4C walk-in.

RPS Media

  • Make Art. Seawater using 33g of Ultramarine Sea Salts and 1L of dH20.
  • Heat to boiling while stirring. (use hot plate)
  • Pour into 1X Ultramarine carboy and let settle for 2 days.
  • Filter 1L from the top of the 1X Ultramarine carboy using Whatman #1 filters.
  • Pour 998 mL into a clean, autoclaved media bottle.
  • Under the flame in the hood, add 1mL of the RPS Metal Working Stock and 1mL of the RPSv (Vitamin Stock).
  • Mix thoroughly.
  • Label "RPS Media" and autoclave.
  • Store in Media Cabinet.
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