From Protists


Filtered 95% Seawater

  • Filter 950 mL of natural seawater.
  • Add 50 mL of distilled water and mix.
  • Autoclave for 15 minutes at 121C.

Soil Extract Soln

  • Fill a 1-L beaker with soil to the 200 mL line.
  • Add distilled water to the 600 mL line (400 mL of water).
  • Cover with foil and autoclave for 2 hours.
  • Allow it to cool and filter it through Whatman #1 filter paper.
  • Distribute 100 mL of the extract into 4 different 250-mL media bottles.
  • Label as "PE Soil Extract".
  • Autoclave for 15 minutes at 121C.
  • Store in 4C walk-in until needed.

Stock Soln

Mix the following ingredients:

NaNO3 20.0g
NaHPO4.7H2O 1.5g
Distilled H2O 100mL

Label as "PE Stock Soln" and store in 4C walk-in until needed.


Mix the following ingredients aseptically (under the hood) into the final media bottles:

Filtered 95% Seawater 950 mL
PE Soil Extract 50 mL
PE Stock Soln 1 mL
  • Label the Media bottles "PE".
  • Autoclave the mixture for 15 minutes at 121C.
  • Store in Media cabinet.
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