5x TBE
From Protists
- Measure and pour ~600mL dH2O from the FIX graduated cylinder into a FIX large flask
- Graduated cylinder under sink attached to the Nanodrop/Gel counter
- Large flask in cabinets above FIX heating/stir plate
- Add 3.72g Na2EDTA x 2H20 (MW 372.24; or 40mL 0.5Molar EDTA, pH 8.0 if available)
- In chemical shelves alphabetically as "EDTA disodium salt, dihydrate, crystal"
- Add 27.5g Boric Acid (granular; H3BO3)
- Add 54.0g Tris Base (or TRIZMA base)
- Put a FIX stir bar in the large flask and cover lid with aluminum foil so dirt/dust doesn't get in mixture
- Put flask on the stir plate and allow to stir until all Tris Base, Boric Acid, and Na2EDTA is dissolved
- Pour mixture back into the FIX graduated cylinder and add dH2O up to 1000mL
- Pour mixture back into the FIX large flask and mix well
- Continue by following directions for 0.5x TBE or store in FIX 1L media bottle under sink attached to the Nanodrop/Gel counter