1x TBE

From Protists

  • Add the 1L of 10x TBE into the 1x TBE carboy
  • If carboy still has remaining liquid in it, then have to add 9L dH2O into it using FIX graduated cylinder
    • Graduated cylinder located under sink attached to the Nanodrop/Gel counter
  • If carboy is completely empty, then can just add approximately 9L of dH2O directly to the carboy by adding dH2O up to the 10L line (quicker to do it this way, but more accurate to do the previously mentioned way)
  • Close lid of carboy tightly and mix well
  • This makes 10L of 1x TBE total

When this carboy runs low or out, make more 1x TBE by making more 10x TBE first.

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