10x Tris Buffer

From Protists

  • Measure and pour ~300mL dH2O from the FIX graduated cylinder into a FIX 1L media bottle.
    • Graduated cylinder under sink attached to the Nanodrop/Gel counter
    • Media bottle in cabinets above or below FIX heating/stir plate
  • Add 7.88g Tris-HCl to media bottle.
  • Adjust pH to 8.0 with NaOH pellets.
  • Pour mixture back into the FIX graduated cylinder and add dH2O up to 500mL.
  • Pour mixture back into the FIX 1L media bottle and mix well.
  • Label media bottle appropriately [10x (100mM) Tris, pH 8.0, your initials and the date].
  • Autoclave for 30min (since only 500mL).
  • Let cool.
  • This makes 500mL of 10x TBE total (100mM Tris pH 8.0).
  • Continue by following directions for 1x Tris Buffer, but store remaining 10x Tris Buffer in 1L media bottle contents at room temperature on shelves above molecular work bench.
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