From Popwiki
CEX is better known as the Criminal Exchange.
Entry requirements
In order to become a employee of Criminal Exchange, you must fall into 1 of 3 categories:
If all 3 of these categories apply to you then the chances you becoming a member of management are dramatically increased. Many members of CEX spend the majority of their free time within the shop extracting the gunk from in-between second hand stolen goods such as mobile phones, console controllers and operating tables. The purpose of this regular gunk extraction is for food as well as effigy creation. Each store has its own gunk made effigy of dead suicidal R&B superstar Kurt Cobain.
The high grease levels of CEX workers hair is said to be the number 1 cause of global warming. This is caused by their high dependency on gunk extracted from their 2nd rate products. “Gunk” as it is referred to by its users is in fact a form of cancer composed from almost every type of STD and junk food combined.
Round faced posh arse politician David “Cazza” Cameron is planning on bringing up CEX in his next meeting with the House of Lords, to discuss a way in which this establishment can be crushed. Unknowingly to many David “Cazza” Cameron fans he became a politician due to his industrialist father’s large company which he founded in 1934 as a place where his gang of pickpockets could legally sell their stolen goods. This company as you have probably guessed is now widely known as CEX.