Talk:List of 1st Generation Pokemon

From Pokelibrary

Revision as of 18:07, 11 March 2013 by (Talk)
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Hello,I placed a bet of 7 Bitcoins on MVP in the Ro8 vs. Naniwa to the aderdss 1AeVTTcVGE8bGXYLEk2WYHQGtX2MXHp4Q3, broken up with one payment of 4 BTC, and then 3 BTC. You updated the post saying that payments have been sent out, but I have not received any bitcoins from you to 1HqAHZ3Ha3dyXFrVEj18zDZTzhJs944zst, which is where I transferred my bitcoins from in order to place my bet.I did not see any contact information on your site, so I am posting here. Please contact me so we can resolve this issue. Thanks.

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