
From Pokelibrary

Revision as of 16:32, 11 March 2013 by (Talk)
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Finally got around to wchating these. It's amusing that a few months ago I grabbed a planner that each turn of the page is a week and just column I can write tasks. The cost of having to move non-completed tasks to the next day is good incentive to get stuff done. Then if I keep having to move tasks I just create it in what's essentially a personal trac to keep track of it. Problem is I'm not that consistent with it. I remember when I first started to evolve into being the sysadmin and I was always a yes, sir whenever anyone requested anything, to the point I'm constantly swamped. Now the key phrase I try to remember is How important is this? Fortunately people here are smart enough that they need a larger monitor is a really important thing.Just today I had a mild breakdown again. I've thought of myself as a fire fighter: Most of the time people forget your there and don't really care. When there's a fire though you best be dropping everything your doing and get that fire taken care of ASAP! even when it's a fire in a metal trash can on the street away from houses Also got slightly depressed, second video mentioned looking for jobs at google and figured what the heck I'll give it a quick look and found a job opening in pittsburgh that would fit me perfectly, but I bought a house that I'm stuck with for 3 years because of the home buyer credit, and I sure don't want to pay that back. I'll just hope things get better in 3 years

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