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Two of the eurozone's biggest economies have fallen into recession, according to the latest economic figures.

Italy and the Netherlands both saw their economies shrink by 0.7% in the fourth quarter, the second consecutive quarter of economic contraction.

Germany had its first negative quarter since 2009 with a decline of 0.2%, compared with the previous quarter.

But in France there was surprise growth of 0.2% at the end of last year, attributed to healthy export growth.

Overall the 17 nations that make up the eurozone saw economic activity shrink 0.3% in the fourth quarter. By comparison the United States reported growth of 0.7%. Continue reading the main story �Start Quote

   Greece may be burning. Growth may be slowing. But the recognised German barometer of hope over fear shows far more Germans looking on the bright side than those down in the dumps�

End Quote image of Stephen Evans Stephen Evans BBC News, Berlin

   * Germany: Reasons to be cheerful

The eurozone has not slipped into recession as it reported growth of 0.1% in the third quarter. 'Better than feared'

For 2011 as a whole, the French economy grew by 1.7% and Germany 3%.

Europe's debt crisis has already pushed Greece, Portugal and Belgium into recession, defined by two consecutive quarters of contraction.

Economists forecast that Germany is likely to avoid that scenario and say the latest growth figures could have been worse.

"This is better than feared after retail sales and industrial production turned out badly in December. The decline is due to the euro crisis. It caused a drastic loss in confidence among companies and consumers." said Christian Schulz, an economist at Berenberg Bank.

"Action from the ECB and the government has restored confidence. There is hope that we will emerge quickly from the economic dip. We expect growth again in the second quarter at the latest, provided that the euro crisis remains under control." he said.


「東日本大震災」被災地の統一地方選挙が延期されることが特例法で決まった。問題はそれ以外の地域だ,モンクレール ジャケット。みんなの党は「全国一律延期」を求めており、西岡敏夫参院議長もそれを支持している,モンクレール 激安。通勤のお供にしている『コトリ』のカラフルなヘッドフォンは、見た目がかわいいだけでなく、フィット感が抜群。また、視力がよくないので目薬とメガネも手放せません」と、機能面を重視した精鋭アイテムがずらり。そんななか異色(,モンクレール ベスト?)ともいえるのが、小瓶に入ったフレグランス。


消臭剤/脱臭剤/除湿剤として、下駄箱などに投入予定。 このまえ寝屋川の小学校で公演した「うばわ 私好きで 靴の匂い消しや芳香用に使わせていただいているので 嬉しかったです^^ ちょうど箪笥の引き出し用に消臭剤が欲しいなと思っていたので ナイスタイミング このかりんとうも食べやすくってうまうまです! なんでもパッケージには”大脳活性 素材によって無理ですが、その方が消臭剤より、ニオイがましな気がします。 もし良かったら試して見て下さいね,モンクレール 激安。

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