An explanation of the ranks
From Platypi Anonymous
Starting at the lowest rank and moving upwards.
Ronin: Yeah, I got this idea from Otori. So what. This is basically the trial period, when we decide if the member is worth keeping. There needs to be a concensus between myself and whoever brought them in. Or, at least, they need to do something. Given our size, we rarely have Ronins. Thank god.
Underprivelaged: This was a specific rank made for a specific person at a specific time. I forgot who and when and why, but that's not important right now. What's important is that at one time, I and someone else knew.
Honerary follower: After the anti-Stalinian purges (Where we kept the smart people and threw out the dumb ones, we had to eliminate all sorts of unused low ranks, at which most of the people who were booted were (they hadn't gotten promoted because they were inactive, and the same reason stands for their being booted, we didn't trash everyone of a certain rank), so this used to be a much better rank. Now, however, it's our lowest true rank.
Follower: These are the people slightly cooler than the honorary followers, but not cool enough yet to be any higher.
Administrations: These are the people who are cool enough to work on this.
Essential Pact Member: This is for epitaph because he doesn;t know how to post messages. However, it's basically an essential.
Essentials: These are the really, really cool people. The literally indispensable people. if one of them left, we would be on the verge of disbanding the clan, if not already doing so. It has happened only twice, long, long ago, and the effects were detremental. Squids, that means you.
Head Platypus: That's Avenger's ego.