The Mr. Blood and Smarty Pants Show 2

From Pfnetwork

Self-explanitory. Watch!

Cast: Mr. Blood, Smarty Pants

Running Time: 0:35

Locations: White screen

Page Title: Bleah.

[edit] Transcript

{On a white screen} It's the Mr. Blood and Smarty pants show!

{Cut to Mr. Blood and Smarty Pants}

MR. BLOOD: Personally, I don't see what's so funny about the buttocks. If I walk into a room and say, "Buttocks," people will laugh, but they have no real reason to, because 'buttocks' isn't that funny of a word, because buttocks... the- the human buttocks isn't funny.

SMARTY PANTS: I disagree with that statement. HELLO EVERYBODY!

{On the screen} It's the Mr. Blood and Smarty pants show!

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