Gary the Pony

From Pfnetwork

Gary the Pony was once a thriving site, but it died down and is now gone.

[edit] About Gary

Early sketch of Gary

Gary the Pony was a fictional horse mutation created when a radioactive meteor crushed the My Little Pony factory. Gary had a short role in Foot Wars and is famous for his single line: "WARGH!"

[edit] The Saga

Gary the Pony was founded by Toby Martin, John Lukey, and Alec Ginn in late 2004, when it started it's long and painful ride straight downhill. For a while, Gary fever gripped a throng of people, probably about 250, some of whom worked for at the time. It was hard to find someone, in that concentrated group of people, who didn't own at least one bit of cheap Gary propaganda. Peanut Foot and Gary were loyal affiliates for a while, until Reed McCoy, creator of Jimmy the Snowcone, joined a resistance started by Ben Sabbath (founder of 21st Century Squirrel) called the Anti-Gary Strike Force, or the AGSF with the slogan, "Freedom begins where Gary ends." The Gary War started a month or so after Gary's founding. Asher Wycoff (founder of could either join his friends in the AGSF or join his other friends in denfense against the AGSF. Alec and John went back and forth between the two sides, but eventually settled with Gary. When the war ended the AGSF had been broken up and the Gary website slowly fell apart, though it had a slight rebound when Toby put "Bill the Demon" on Gary, and it had another after it was one of the Freewebs sites not blocked by Bess in February of 2006, but it was never the same. In mid-2007, the Gary the Pony website died and was replaced by a placeholder page.

[edit] External Links (No longer up.)

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