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From Peppercascade

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An integral substructure of the Pepper Permutation, The Pepper Cascade or the Cascade is believed by many to be in control of the world's first and only reliable anti zombie-plague device. A subsection of The Pepper Moiety, the Cascade is thought to be a major hub of political debate, international terrorism, and fantastic sponsorship deals. Theories put forth about the group have been largely controversial, often involving infanticide, corporate espionage, cattle mutilation, and stem cell research, to name but a few.

It is currently impossible to definitively identify group members, but many possible candidates have been put forth by Pepper Theorists.


Relation to The Pepper Moiety

Considered by many theorists to be an international headquarters of sorts, the Pepper Moiety probably watches over The Pepper Cascade and many other orgs and artifacts within The Pepper Permutation, such as the mythical Pepperbook.


Early accounts of the Pepper Moiety often reference the 80s metal group The Green Eyed Posse. The band was awarded by the Guiness Book of Records for being The Most Outrageous Band, and was reputed to employ modeling glue as their preferred abused substance. When their second album went Platinum in 1989, the band mysteriously vanished from the public eye, leaving only a single goodbye note (commonly referred to as The Voodoo Mandate) roughly outlining their preoccupation with "the imminent zombie plague."

The Pepper Board

As early as 1998, strange messages began appearing on an obscure internet message board dubbed The Pepper Board. ...

Association with Zombies

The alleged 1993 Easter Island Zombie Epidemic has been frequently linked to members or ex-members of The Green Eyed Posse. No evidence of the Easter Island Zombie Epidemic remains, however Pepper Cascade Theorists maintain that this is due to a large-scale coverup operation conducted by The Red State. Many Theorists go further by suggesting that The Green Eyed Posse actively infected Easter Islanders with zombie plague strain B, while others claim that band members showed up only after the outbreak, to help the infected and to learn from the epidemic. ...


Supposed Members



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