
From Penguinrpg

Monsters can be found in the 'Explore' Area of Icyland. To get here, go to Icyland and click on the building to the middle left. You could also just press the 'Explore' link on the left side of your screen. Fighting a monster requires two energy. You cannot come here if it's windy!

[edit] Basics

There are two monsters you can fight. The Squid, and the Octopus. Clicking on their names will bring up a window that allows you to change their names.(as of 9/27/05, this feature does not work) You can equip a weapon on the Octopus, but the Squid will always have a weapon equipped, making him a harder opponent.. Equipping a weapon on the Octopus just makes him harder to beat. Fighting monsters is VERY different from fighting players. For one, it only takes two energy, as opposed to three. The main difference is that agility has no affect on the battle. You will both hit as hard as you can and whoever hits harder will win. Killing a monster grants a nice bit of XP (generally, more than a player would) and a few coins. But, remember, they become harder to kill each time. If you win the fight, you will take one point of damage, if you loose, you will die.

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