From Parlancia
Lionman363 is a Parlancian GamingForums user who gained significant notoriety when he supposedly got Jebus banned from GF. However, he frequently denies this, claiming that he had only reported Jebus for unwarranted rep prior to his ban (which, according to Jebus, is true) and had no responsibility for it. The actual reason, he claims, is that Jebus had flamed an admin on GF and was thus baninated. Whatever the case, it is because of the incident and previous run-ins with other members (FireV and Vasili, to name a few) that he is not well-liked.
For a few months he had not been substantively active because he lost the URL of Parlancia, but as of February 13th, 2008 he became regularly active again.
User comments
You suck, badly. Sorry. : ) - John
- Concur'd. --FireV 23:04, 27 January 2008 (EST)
- You really do suck. --Jebus