
From Paradox Haze


[edit] Personal Information

Name: Penthesilea Arlin Roderick (Prefers 'Penny')

Class: Great Knight (Lance and Axe)

Description: Penny was born to a loving Sejoll noble family twenty-six years ago. Her parents, until then desperate for a daughter with their three sons, took delight in her birth, and soon after began dressing her up in all manner of things pink and frilly. This was not satisfactory to the little girl, even at such a young age as three years old, and she would often sneak out wearing her youngest brother's clothes to the nearby forest and play there. She bonded much more with her brothers than with her parents, and as such became something of a tomboy. She already had an inclination to such things, but the two brothers who still lived at home were quick to show her all sorts of games to play in the mud and how to catch bugs, happy they didn't have to take care of a wimpy little girl.

This displeased her parents very much, but they wanted what their little princess wanted, so they let her play how she wanted to. But when it came time for her to learn to do things she would need to do, such as sewing and cooking, she showed little skill at either. She often burned herself in an attempt to cook something as easy as an egg, and the needle seemed to find her finger more than it did the cloth. What sort of daughter can't even do what she's supposed to, her parents thought.

But she only seemed like a useless girl until a few weeks later, when her youngest brother Thomas came home with a bunch of long sticks and demanded they play-fight. At which nine-year-old Penny proceeded to whup the asses of her eleven- and thirteen-year-old brothers. She'd never touched a weapon in her life (admittedly, neither had either of the boys), but showed surprising promise with the thing. From that day forward, she would only go about the house telling her parents, in her squeaky little girl voice, that she wanted to be a soldier. Now, they'd been a bit disappointed that she was boyish, but this was just...insane. So they forbid her.

But Penny didn't cry, like any other little girl at that age would when denied something she very much wanted. No, she put on a stoic face and climbed out the window of her room after bedtime, the idea in her little head to make it to the castle and ask to be a soldier. Being a nine-year-old girl, this wouldn't be terribly easy, but that thought didn't really cross her mind. So she made the twenty-minute trek down the main market street (miraculously not getting kidnapped or robbed, even at 9 PM) to the castle, stormed past the guards (who simply smiled at the determined-looking little girl), marched right into the court past a bunch of bewildered-looking servants, and demanded right at the King that she be made a soldier.

Fortunately for her, he was not a bad-tempered man, and was greatly amused by her proclamation, signing her on as a squire's assistant until she was old enough to be a page herself, despite her sex. The thought hadn't occurred to her that if she ran away to only twenty minutes from her house, her parents could be easily contacted, but they conceded, thinking that if she wanted it enough to run away, bringing her back would only make her hate them. And they wouldn't know what to do if their precious princess Penny hated them.

And thus, Penny grew up from there around the castle, helping out the squires until she became a page and was assigned to a knight. From the day she began training to be a knight, she showed a good amount of talent (especially for a girl), and was a common guard for no more than a year before she began moving up. Two years ago, at the exceptionally young age of twenty-four, she was promoted to the esteemed rank of general under Prince Llyr, and accepted the honor gratefully.

Penny is an intimidating woman, standing fairly tall and with broad-ish shoulders. She isn't ugly at all, but she comes off as daunting, especially in full armor and on her steed Cuan. She's also...voluptuously-endowed, but thinks of it only as a nuisance, much preferring to bind them back so they don't get in her way. Her hair is kept practical and out of the way, and when not in armor she prefers to wear men's clothing. The most feminine clothing you'll ever see her in is a conservative long skirt, and that's only for the most formal of formal occasions.

She's fiercely loyal to both her country and liege, and is attached to Prince Llyr as well, having been at the castle since he was very small. The remarks behind her back of 'man-woman', 'demoness', and 'harlot' don't go unnoticed, but she refrains from striking back, instead turning the other cheek out of respect for her country and its citizens. She devotes her entire person to the defense of her liege's right to the throne, though she doesn't really trust the scaly bugger. Her hobbies include studying tactics, training, and woodcarving.

[edit] Statistics

Level 1/0

HP: 19 (70%)
Str:6 (50% + 10%)
Mag:0 (25%)
Skl:6 (40%)
Spd:6 (30%)
Def:7 (50%)
Res:3 (35%)
Luk:1 (15%)

Level 20/1

HP: 35 (60%)
Str:21 (50% + 10%)
Mag:11 (25%)
Skl:15 (40%)
Spd:11 (25%)
Def:21 (50%)
Res:14 (35%)
Luk:4 (15%)

Battle Skills: Big Shield, Horrify

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