
From Paradox Haze

Maya - Blade Lord, level 1

Maya is the older sister of Llyr, and the other heir to the throne of Sejoll. Unlike her younger brother, Maya detests war despite her father's familiarity with it; she views it as an absolute last resort. She wants nothing more for her country than for the war to end without bloodshed. Even so, she is prepared to do combat if necessary, having been trained by her most trusted general, Zenithal, in the art of sword combat.

She stands resolute in her beliefs, namely regarding dark magic, as she is well aware of the atrocities it has caused throughout the continent's history. She also fears for her brother, who has taken an interest in these dark arts, and prays that he will not be consumed by its power. Her never-say-die attitude with regards to her beliefs is sometimes mistaken for stubbornness.

Weapon: Sword

Abilities: Heavens


HP 45%

STR 55%

MAG 10%

SKL 60%

SPD 40%

LCK 30%

DEF 40%

RES 30%

Level 1 Stats:

HP: 29

STR: 18

MAG: 1

SKL: 22

SPD: 14

LCK: 12

DEF: 15

RES: 16

CON: 7

MOV: 6

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