
From Pabblecard

Pabblecard comes in a variety of different versions of varying levels of confusion and impossibility.


[edit] Original

Has about 56,000 cards. The rules often require the players to do impossible or rediculous things. The original version can only be learnt while drunk or intoxicated with some substance.

[edit] Simplified

Has the same number of cards as the original version, but the impossible tasks have been removed. This version can be learnt while merely tipsy.

[edit] Simplified Simplified

This website addresses this version, which only has 3875 cards. All impossible tasks removed as well as over 95% of the rules. Simplified simplified Pabblecard can be learnt while sober; however learning it may still be dangerous. Doctors recommend drinking tea regularly while learning, because they like it and want everyone to think the same way they do.

[edit] See Also




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