
From Pabblecard

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[edit] Origins

The Original Pabblecard is a curious, yet dangerous game. The games require two people. Seeing as the first requirement is so hard to get, most people see learning the rest of the rules pointless. No one, in the entire history of the game, has ever learn all the rules. You are, however, allowed to use the rulebook during the game. Unfortunately, the book is just over a mile across and in located in the great desert of Sertendeth. Pabblecard was thought up where the desert now stands. Before it was the deadly plains of sand it is today, Sertendeth was a town, in which a drunk man known as Pally Abbletech came up with a card game. At first it was a joke, a drunken party game. Seeing how Abbletech loved his drunken parties so much, he extended the games, in order that they last longer. The longest game he ever played lastest six years, after which he fell ill.

On his deathbed he wrote down all the rules. It took him twelve years. At the end of this he became even more ill. During his remaining 25 years, he revised the rules and helped construct a book containing the rules. Then he died.

The town of Sertendeth gradually died away, due to the high amounts of litter that were Abbletech's notes on the game. Over time, Pabblecard became the definitive card game.

[edit] Rise to Fame

Pabblecard became infamous as the hardest and most complex card game in existence (except for maybe the card game that was based on Backgamon II: The Final Sequal). This led to challenges to the game, for which refusal brought utmost shame.

In more recent times, new versions of the game have been created, including the Simplified Version and the Simplified Simplified Version that this website addresses.

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